AspxFiles: das deutsche ASP.NET Wiki
“Durch Training wird man stark,“ literally means, 'Through training, one will become strong'. Figuratively, it means, 'Practice makes perfect.' Both my German and my ASP.NET are getting weaker by the day. I need more Training.
Enter Christoph Wille's German ASP.NET Wiki! Now here's a place where wir konnen practice German, learn mehr about ASP.NET, and indulge a fascination with WikiWiki teknologie (die Wunderkammern), without actually traveling to Microsoft München. And thank goodness for that! Kista is kinder.
Following up on my new found need to improve my foreign language and programming skills simultaneously, I've decided to find, read, and maybe even contribute to .NET development wikis in the other languages that I've studied at some point in my life.
But I need your help. Please recommend your favorite .NET developer-oriented wikis (preferably FlexWiki or OpenWiki) in the following languages:
|| ??????? (Russian) || I now understand very little but could use some good jokes and techno-lingo since two of the developers on my team are Russian || ... ||
|| Svenka (Swedish) || language my grandparents and ex-girlfriend spoke when they didn't want me to understand them ;-) -- Raymond might have some ideas... || ... ||
|| Español/Castellano (Spanish) || Puedo hablar sin problema. Me gusta panoramabox muchisimo pero donde estan los Wikis? || ... ||
|| Deustche (German) || Morgen, ich will Christoph fragen...:-) || ASPXFiles ||
- Anonymous
April 05, 2004
>I need your help.
Svenska; Deutsch ... - Anonymous
April 05, 2004
<PointyPointy>Kista is a place outside Stockholm. That's Sweden, not Germany.</PointyPointy> - Anonymous
April 06, 2004
Exactly. On my next trip to Europe, I think I'd rather travel to Microsoft HQ in Kista, Sweden than Microsoft HQ in Munich, Germany. - Anonymous
April 08, 2004
Doesn't matter if you understand? It's still cool. - Anonymous
June 30, 2004
Can u tell me where I can download a Wiki? - Anonymous
June 30, 2004 - Anonymous
March 16, 2006
Welcome!!!"> google pr. [URL=]pagerank 5[/URL]: Professional SEO, pagerank algorithm, Web Site Analysis. Also [url=]online pr16[/url] from google pr . - Anonymous
March 27, 2006
Welcome!!!"> google pr. [URL=]pagerank 5[/URL]: pagerank algorithm, Web Site Analysis, SE marketing. Also [url=]online pr16[/url] from google pr . - Anonymous
March 27, 2006
online directory main - Anonymous
April 21, 2006
hello! google pr. Search Engine Optimization, Professional SEO, pagerank algorithm. From google pr . - Anonymous
April 21, 2006
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