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Fahgetabout it: Tony Soprano comes to the world of Phishing

I got told today about a new phishing attack that the guys at Sophos found. This one seems to just cut through the smoke and mirrors. It tells you that a hit man (aka Tony and his crew) has been hired to kill you. However, for the mere fee of $80,000 the hit man will go ahead and drop the contract. If you can't afford the fee, then for a reduced cost of $20,000 he will send you a surveillance video he's been shooting of you for the past 10 days to prove it. Really? That has got to be a picture of me sitting in airports or cleaning my dog's backyard. Besides, if he really did have a contract on me, wouldn't it just be easier to fulfill the contract rather than just videotape me? (Sorry to bring out the rational thought here, but I guess that's what you do when you don't have $80,000.) Here's the verbiage from Sophos:

"Do not contact the police or FBI or try to send a copy of this to them, because if you do i will know, and might be pushed to do what i have being paid to do, beside [sic], this is the first time I turned out to be a betrayer in my job. " (Who writes this stuff?)

Also, be aware that the circulation of bogus emails supposedly originating from the FBI's London office that tell you they've actually caught a guy that did this.