Cool Command-Line Stuff
I love command-line stuff that helps me develop software quicker. Here are a couple commands that will make your development life a little easier. Got any more? Leave a comment with a command line utility that really helps you with your job.
General Tasks
Find all ports listening over TCP (great for seeing if a service is listening over TCP correctly):
netstat -a -n -o -p TCP | findstr LISTENING
List all processes currently using .NET:
tasklist /m "mscor*"
.NET Utilities
Find an assembly by name or other attribute in the Global Assembly Cache
gacutil /l | FINDSTR your_find_value_here
Specify a parameters file for WSDL.exe
wsdl.exe /par:Your_parameters_file_here
Create a script for configuring SQL Server for all ASP.NET 2.0 features.
aspnet_regsql -A all -sqlexportonly your_sql_script_file_here
- Anonymous
January 16, 2006
The easiest way to find the process id is using
tlist | FINDSTR /I CMD.
I know lot of them use the sql client using the windows authentication or using username /password
osql /E or osql /u sa /p asdasd . This command could be saved as .bat file for sql client connection.
The batch file would open the sql client connected to the database instead of typing the connection properties every time.