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The Great PHP on Windows Contest

php contest Try your hand at PHP on Windows and win a complete 52" HDTV home entertainment system and the opportunity to present your creation to the crowd at php|tek 2010 in Chicago with an all-expenses paid trip!

Have you tried to run PHP on Windows? No? We thought so.

That's why we're hosting the Great PHP on Windows® Contest! The basics of the contest are simple:

  • Write a new application designed to run in PHP on Windows using IIS—or make a significant contribution to an existing open-source project along the same lines
  • The best application, selected jointly by a panel of experts and by our readers, will win a grand prize composed of a 52" Digital HD home entertainment system, as well as an all-expenses paid trip to php|tek 2010 in Chicago. Runner-up prizes include 2 Xbox 360 Ultimate and subscriptions to php|architect.
  • Not familiar with Windows? No worries—we have partnered with Applied Innovations to give you absolutely free hosting on a pre-configured virtual machine for the duration of the contest.
  • The contest is open to residents of the United States only—but you can still win by voting, no matter where you are.

Take action today create and submit an application AND/OR vote for your favorite submission.  Complete details can be found at

Technorati Tags: Contest,PHP,Windows,Windows Server,php|tek