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Resolving Missing Application State Messages Due to ‘CI Version Info Timed Out’ Errors in Configuration Manager 2012


Configuration Manager 2012 applications that were previously deployed no longer show as successes when looking at the Monitoring\Deployments section for a particular application. You will most likely see a majority of errors with no state messages there explaining the cause.

Environment Issue Seen: System Center Configuration Manager 2012 (up to 1511)


Using the console to run the report Software Distribution - Application Monitoring\Application infrastructure errors for an  application with missing state messages the report will show a large number of errors with a description of  ‘CI Version Info Timed Out’.

Additionally, in the CIAgent.log for a client that is missing state messages this same error will be shown.


On a client with this issue find the entry in the CIAgent.log with a line similar to the following example:

CIAgentJob({9148AA4C-9523-4482-9F85-50EF84B5E106}): CAgentJob::VersionInfoTimedOut for ModelName ScopeId_BB07E0A0-9C6F-4683-B902-5DA067E71FCA/Application_679af1dd-cbb4-4b2e-8ea5-cdc0b476cf14, version 3 not available.

To find the application associated with this error open the CM console and follow these steps:

  • Go to Software Library\Applications
  • Click the Search box (so the cursor is in the field)
  • Click the button on the ribbon All Subfolders
  • Type the GUID from the previous CIAgent.log error into the Search field. From the example above this would be 679af1dd-cbb4-4b2e-8ea5-cdc0b476cf14
  • Click Search

The application associated with the error should show in the results.

Removing the deployments associated with this application AND any task sequences deployments that contain this application should resolve the error and allow each affected client to resume sending state messages for applications that have been previously installed. Note that if multiple applications have an issue on that client you may have to go through this process several times until no errors of this type are found in the client CIAgent.log.

I believe this kind of situation may be caused by the way the CM client application state does its evaluation where an error with a particular application may cause an error in the batch process and prevent state messages for that client from being sent to the server.

Hopefully this advice helps. In my experience, state messages for affected clients will return in the next day or so after the next application state evaluation cycle runs. For more immediate results it may be useful to trigger the application state evaluation on a particular client and then check the details for that client within the Monitoring\Deployments section for an application that is deployed to it. The details will show for that client before the overall status for that client is updated in the Summarization view.

Reference to an article with a similar situation:


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