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Identifying unsupported files

You can find some really useful info in our newsgroup. For example, Karandeep recently offered two commands and one batch script that you can run on a file server to identify any unsupported data types.

To identify encrypted files:

C:\> cipher /s:c: | find "E "

To identify reparse points:

C:\> dir /s | find "<JUNCTION>"

To identify case-sensitive files, save the following as a .bat and then run the .bat file:

@echo off
del cs.txt
dir %1 /s /b /on >files.txt
for /f "delims=" %%a in (files.txt) do call :checklastline "%%a"
goto end
if /I %1==%lastline% echo %1 already exists! >> cs.txt
set lastline=%1
goto end

(Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

Update: thanks to Blake Handler for letting me know I'd mucked up my link tag -- it's fixed now : )