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What's my test team doing this week?

This week, we're wrapping up a month-long focus on security testing in Team Foundation. You've probably read about security pushes in other blogs. I was lucky to be involved in the Windows Server 2003 security push as well. It's always fascinating to see the tight coordination between developers, program managers, and testers all looking for those big holes. Sure, we've found a few interesting issues (I'd be concerned if we didn't find anything with all this focus), and we're working hard to get the cleaned up before we release.

Next week, we're going to focus on testing accessibility features in our UI. These are the interfaces and hints in the UI that make keyboard navigation easier and enable other tool such as screen readers. Sara Ford's blog is a great read if you're interested in learning more about what's involved in making applications accessible. While I worked on the Windows Shell team, we had a "drop your mouse behind your desk day" where everyone was forced to use keyboard navigation only for 1 day. It was surprisingly effective at uncovering inefficient tab orders, duplicate keyboard shortcuts, inaccessible UI, etc. 

Finally, we're still looking for great SDETs with a strong development backround in both North Carolina (Raleigh/Durham area) and Redmond, WA. If you're interested, check out the career site and search for SDET job listings in Team System in each location.