Free Microsoft Press E-Book (Introducing Microsoft LINQ)
Preview the first chapter from any of these Microsoft Press Visual Studio 2008 titles here, and then download the entire contents of Introducing Microsoft LINQ, as well as additional chapters from the other two titles.
Introducing Microsoft LINQ
by Paolo Pialorsi and Marco Russo
ISBN: 9780735623910
- Chapter 1: LINQ Introduction
- Chapter 2: C# Language Features
- Chapter 3: Visual Basic 9.0 Language Features
- Chapter 4: LINQ Syntax Fundamentals
- Chapter 5: LINQ to ADO.NET
- Chapter 6: LINQ to XML
Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX
by Dino Esposito
ISBN: 9780735624139
- Chapter 1: The AJAX Revolution
- Chapter 5: The AJAX Control Toolkit
Introducing Microsoft Silverlight 1.0
by Laurence Moroney
ISBN: 9780735625396
- Chapter 1: Silverlight and User Experience
- Chapter 5: Programming Silverlight with JavaScript
Cross posted from ronan's blog
- Anonymous
January 20, 2008
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