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Blog Posts of the Week (29th September'13 - 05th October'13)



Carousel Image Gallery With AngularJS UI Bootstrap And ASP.NET MVC

By Brij Dammani published on 09-29-2013

This article explains how to implement carousel image gallery with AngularJS UI Bootstrap and Entitiy Framework database first approach….(more)


Working with flagged enumeration in Csharp

By Amit Choudhary published on 10-01-2013

Let’s take you to the world of Enums where you are allowed to use multiple values rather than using only single value for comparison/storing. To create an Flagged Enumeration you need an attribute...(more)


Understanding Prototype Pattern in JavaScript

By Dhananjay Kumar published on 10-02-2013

In this post I am trying to explain my understanding on Prototype Pattern in JavaScript….(more)


ASP.NET Web API OWIN Self Host on Windows Azure

By Shiju Varghese published on 10-03-2013

In this blog post, I will take a look at Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) and will also demonstrate how to deploy….(more)


Reading Event logs efficiently using C#

By Brij Mishra published on 10-04-2013

We’ll be talking about the reading event logs. In my last post I discussed about reading the event….(more)


Getting Started with jQuery.tmpl (jQuery Templates) in MVC

By Abhimanyu Vatsa published on 10-04-2013

There are number of JavaScript templates used these days, some of them works really great. And every JavaScript template library has a slightly….(more)


Just a few steps to make your WP app recognizes your speech

By Kunal Chowdhury published on 10-04-2013

Do you want to add a functionality in your Windows Phone device which can actually listen to users voice or commands….(more)





Type your user name and password to connect for retrieving calendar data from Outlook

By Balasaheb Ilag published on 09-29-2013

Sometime you will receive credential prompt however after typing credential prompt will occur continually because….(more)


Using SSRS to Export SQLServer data to multiple Excel Sheets

By Visakh Murukesan published on 10-01-2013

One of my readers asked me whether we could achieve this using any other method. There's a much easier method using SSRS if you've a reporting server….(more)


AD Based Activation Over KMS Activation

By Awinish Vishwakarma published on 10-03-2013

To minimize the problem of piracy, Microsoft has announced starting from windows Vista & above, office products etc, you need to activate it even though you are using ….(more)


Getting Last Installation Success Date and Last Search Success date of Windows Updates using Powershell

By Aman Dhally published on 10-05-2013

Everyday is a new day, with new problems and new issues, sometime at users side and sometime at Server side….(more)





Learn PowerPoint 2013 for Windows: Drawing a Perfect Square

By Geetesh Bajaj published on 09-30-2013

We already showed you how to draw a perfect circle. Now, we'll show you how to draw a perfect square in PowerPoint 2013 using….(more)


Windows 8.1 gets SkyDrive OCR Search indexing & Smart File features

By Vasudev Gurumurthy published on 10-01-2013

SkyDrive photos will use the Bing-powered SkyDrive OCR tool, that will be automatically run on your photos and display the extracted text on….(more)


Sysinternals Autoruns for Windows: Start Up Manager for Power Users

By Anand Khanse published on 10-03-2013

This portable tool, when run, provides a comprehensive list of all programs that are configured to run when your Windows starts….(more)


Different types of Internet Cookies

By Anand Khanse published on 10-04-2013

An Internet Cookie is a small snippet of information sent from a web server to a user’s browser, which then stores it. On subsequent access to the same web server….(more)





Connecting to Databases through X++

By Deepak Agarwal published on 10-02-2013

Connection class is mainly used for accessing the database in which a user has logged into AX i.e. Current Database and carry out the….(more)


Quick Create Form In MS CRM 2013

By Mahender Pal published on 09-29-2013

Quick create form facilitate ms crm user to create entity record quickly as name suggest, just filling key information….(more)


Now Store Images in CRM 2013

By Roohi Shaikh published on 09-30-2013

We got the first hint of the much awaited data type Image with the introduction of activity feeds where we were allowed to provide a profile image….(more)