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Make printing work better with the Web

As promised, I
want to talk today a little bit more about printing experience in IE7. Printing
is after navigation/search one of the most used features but it still lacks the
fidelity of like say a photo printing program. Why is that? Content for the Web
is in general not designed for printing. If laid out at 100% it generally
exceeds the space provided on the paper. In IE6, for example, you end up often
with cut-off right margins. Another very common problem when printing for
example receipts of the Web is that you end up with 2 pages of paper where the
second page only holds 2 lines of useless information like copy right statements
etc. These are all examples where the authors did not think of the user

Our goal for IE7 is to put more control in the
users hand to get the Web right for printing. In IE7 Beta1 you will see the
first steps in this direction. Keep in mind this is just a teaser of what you
will see in Beta2.

For Beta 1, I want to emphasize 3 changes to
printing and PrintPreview:


We now have Shrink-to-Fit on by default when you
print a page with IE7. This feature will determine the width of the document
and adjust it to fit on your paper. No more cut off right margins. Of course we
give you the ability to adjust scaling rates to really adjust it the way you
want it. 

Orphan Control:

If IE discovers that you are printing a document
that gets laid-out on two pages and the second page only covers minimal
white-space, we automatically shrink-to-fit the page to fit on only 1 page of
paper. Of course, you can manually adjust the scaling rate back if you rather
have it printed on 2 pages but we believe that we will save a lot of trees with
this feature. :-) 

UI-changes to put the user in control:

The look and feel right now is still very “bare
bones” but you can detect the new emphasis on user control. Notice that we
elevated the selection of landscape and portrait mode. The motivation behind is
that if content is much wider than suitable for portrait mode it should be easy
for the user to select an alternative. Also we provide now the capability to
turn on/off header and footers. Even though they provide useful information
(like origin of the page and page numbers etc.) they sometimes not wanted for
printable output (like images etc.).

We would love to hear your feedback on:

  • Currently
    we apply the orphan control if we detect that only 10% or less of the available whitespace is used. Does that work for you or would you rather see a bigger/smaller
  • Shrink-to-fit.
    Does it work for all of your pages? Since we are relying on the horizontal
    scroll-able area to report us the width of the pages, we want to ensure that
    this will work in all corner cases.


- Markus


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    How do you plan on handling "media=print" in IE7 in regards to this? Will these user settings automatically override any stylesheet set for "media=print"?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I'm quite happy with Opera's solution - they have years experience in small screen rendering which they've applied to printing and got fantastic results (not just by scaling page down, but smart use of CSS to relayout page).

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    There is one thing that is missing in all browsers as far as printing goes. That is user-interaction with the web developer. On all other levels I can communicate with my surfers but when it comes to printing the communication is broken. They can't talk to me and I can't talk to them. This needs to be fixed. If a user comes to my site (buys a ticket giving me everything from their credit card number to their address), I should be able to interact with them and ask them if they want the ticket printed my way or their browser's way. Right now I can't do that. I need to send them a "printing-pretty" page. They are still going to get the header and footer. What if they don't want that? There needs to be a way for the user to tell me what they want so that I can dish it out. Until you make that available you are pretty much wasting your time messing with the printing stuff.

    To bring it to basics, this is what is needed - The surfer must have the ability to tell me (the web developer) what they want printed. Be the first to do that and you'll probably be back up over 90% in the browser market. Ken.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I just want to say shrink to fit is a brilliant implementation and thank you for it.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    > I need to send them a "printing-pretty" page. They are still going to get the header and footer. What if they don't want that?

    This is what print stylesheets are for. Just display: none the header and footer.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I just want to echo the sentiments regarding CSS print stylesheets. I've been hankering for years for a browser to fully implement the print media type, as having alternative stylesheets seems to be to be a very elegant solution to solving the problem of serving content for various display devices.

    The shrink-to-fit and other such things will be great for the sites which don't bother, but I'd like it if web developers were given the ability to do the right thing in the first place. They know better than IE how best to present the content, after all.

    Of course, the user should still be able to override some of the print media suggestions. For example, it's possible to specify headers and footers in a print stylesheet, but in lots of cases I'd prefer the browser to provide them to ensure I get an accurate URL, page numbering and so forth. The browser generating a "user stylesheet" (which doesn't really have to be stylesheet at all as long as the browser acts like it is) is perfectly acceptable, and is already done to a certain extent when users choose preferred font families and colors in the preferences.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    I want to clear a misconception in a few posts. Print headers and footers are not modifiable with CSS in the following ways:

    >>Just display: none the header and footer

    No, won't work.

    >>For example, it's possible to specify headers and footers in a print stylesheet

    No, no possible.

    Headers and footers specified in HTML are not true headers and footers as currently implemented in browsers. Mozilla-spawn and IE can approximate one aspect of those features in their respective implementation of repeating data table headers and footers in print (see )
    but that is as far as coded HTML goes.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    CSS2 Paged Media has some interesting things to say about printing:

    I don't think that CSS2 has all the answers though. Shrink-to-fit sounds like a good idea especially if it works well in conjunction with the page-break instructions. Since different clients render the page differently and different printers render the text with different size, an application that makes an HTML report needs to let the user have some control over how the page prints.

    Which brings up a side issue about TrueType, it is optimized for readability (which is probably a good thing (thank Bill Hill and crew)), but the drawback is that screen and printer representation do not break the word-wrap in the same place. Perhaps TrueType is a little less true than it represents itself to be? In an ideal world, we could format some text and it would display and print the same on any device.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    IE does support media=print; it has for a long time. (IE 4.0? I seem to remember personally coding it...) We parse and store @page blocks, but don't apply them - though it's possible for third parties to write print templates that do so.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Shrink to fit seems to work on mapquest. I would like to make a suggestion, I would like IE to default put http in front of things. Firefox does this. Fore example, my router...I have to type in '' instead of just '' it is kinda annoying.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    So far I am not as happy with IE7 than I am with Firefox because the toolbar is very blah. You need to implement themes. I think the printing features are excellent, but I agree that the resolution could be worse with this automatic downsizing, however, this is an EXCELLENT idea. Good job.

    It would do well to make your download smaller like Firefox for us dial-up users.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Sheesh, people, stop constantly trying to turn IE into FireFox. It's not Firefox.... sure, the browser is decent, but they're many better out there. IE works on more pages, renders (now) faster, and has a much faster load time. Admittedly, it can have improvments--but by that, I mean something like mouse gestures or innovative ideas to keep that Favorites menu clean, that sort of thing. Skins are an OK idea, but something nice and clean like we have is always nice. Great job on the print, though! Thats always been a gripe.

    However, a PR suggestion: open the next beta wholly publicly. It doesn't hurt, really, and it looks better. It also will let more people put in input, and the more user options and prefrences you have, the better browser you get out of it.

    I eagerly await the second beta!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    At first sight, this sounds like a real improvement. Valid question: How will CSS's "print" media type be taken into account?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    I read Ken's problem as referring to the headers and footers included on the page itself, e.g. the site logo etc. That you can alter with display: none.

    He says:

    > They are still going to get the header and footer. What if they don't want that? There needs to be a way for the user to tell me what they want so that I can dish it out.

    If he's referring to the headers and footers included by the browser, e.g. "page 1 of 2" etc, then I don't really think it involves the author at any level. If the user wants the headers, they should be able to set this like any other printer option - it's not for the site author to decide their printing options. If their browser doesn't let them do that, then that's something between the user and the browser developers, not something the page author needs to worry about.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    In webapplications it would be good if the developers could have some good control over printing voor certain pages that are often printed like for billing/trainschedules/route-info. It seems unlikely however that webapplications will specify printing information for each and every page that there application will generate as that is a very castly extra effort. So even in applications that generate pages developed for printing most pages will not have those features.

    But off course certain people will print all kinds of other pages as well. So any feature that allows for a good print of a non print-optimized page will be very usefull.

    Something I would like (as a non IE7 user yet) is an automatic quick preview of the print and making landscape the default printing style for pages that render wider than they are long.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    You could also get some form of PDF printer. A free PDF printer can be cobbled together with Ghostscript. There are instructions floating around here and there that are simple enough to follow. It'll also be smaller than a BMP archive, as the text will still be text.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I find many of the free PDF printers to be feature lacking, and on the whole, I'm not thrilled with PDF. I had version 4 of the full package, and when they released 5, I had to either stick with 4 everywhere or upgrade to the commercial version of 5. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

    I really question the total amount of memory consumed by the pdf viewer just to see a simple document (I think it loads a plugin for the kitchen sink, just in case I might want to render images, adjusted for the bends in the aluminum.) Yes, they are smaller than bitmaps, but sometime simple is better. I can hand edit a bitmap, I don't need 500$ software, any software can view it (bitmaps are basic OS), I'm bound to a vendor to print, and I don't need to pick if my sink is a standard or a pfiser when I render it...

    And if I worry about size, I can always choose to convert it to an PNG, GIF or even a JPG. Bitmaps have never gone out of style. I have bitmaps from Windows 3.1 that still work just fine in windows XP, and many a bitmap from WinXP that I could load into a 95 machine, and NEVER need to download software from a third party to use.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    What would be good would be full support for <a href="" rel="external">Paged Media</a>. Is there anychance of working this into the build. You've said previously that you intend to fully support CSS2.0, and though the Paged Media module is CSS3, that would really enhance online report development, meaning we wouldn't have to rely so much on proprietory formats such as PDF and indeed Word for that matter.

    What saith ye?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    Please report the bug on MSDN at the IE location where you downloaded Beta 1.

    Your other option is to send feedback via the links here but since feedback goes to those that run and write for the blog and not to the Beta program, this is not preferable.

    Al Billings [MSFT]

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I've noticed several "print preview" related bugs in many applications. Would it be simpler to include a system "print-to-pdf" virtual printer, and have "print preview" just send to this? That way the application would only need to know how to print, and not how to do preview as well.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Al Billings :

    Actually, maybe this is my mis-navigation, but I download IE7 from the MSDN subscription download center (professional level), under Operating Systems|Internet Explorer|Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1 for Windows XP with SP2|Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1 for Windows XP with SP2, and I can't seem to find anywhere near there to report bugs for IE.

    Visual Studio's bug tracking system, which I've refered to in several posts, is located at, and it doesn't cover IE (obviously and unfortunately, because they have an excellent reporting and tracking system for bugs and product suggestions)

    So, any suggestions, or perhaps actual URLS I might visit and fill with various bug reports would be appreciated. I just can't seem to find anywhere more official than here.


    Maurits: printing and previewing are normally VERY closely related techniques. Most programmers render everything to an enhanced meta-file(emf) configured for the printer page (size, capabilities etc), and then render the emfs to the screen, scaled for preview and then again unscaled directly to the printer device for printing. USUALLY, there is no room for significant differences, except when your print driver itself doesn't handle things properly (or you run out of ram). Which isn't to say that some groups don't do things differently, but EMFs are the simple and easy way...

    - Xepol

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    In my experience, the most common printing problem when dealing with internet browsers is with Acrobat files. People use "print" in the menu bar, instead of the "print" icon in the plugin bar, only to end up with blank papers.

    As I'm not a beta tester, I don't know if this is a problem in IE7, and if it's not - never mind little old me ;)


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Please, please, please include a proper implementation of <thead></thead> and <tfoot></tfoot> in IE7!!

    For long tables of data, it's not only critical that the page is shrunk to display all of the columns, but for multiple pages of data, it's critical to have the table headers repeatable so you know what data you're looking at.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Not that this has anything to do with the topic, but please be aware that the shortcut for a forced refresh has always been CTRL+F5. You can see this for yourself using the keyboard shortcuts help topic in IE6.

    "Refresh the current Web page, even if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same. CTRL+F5 "

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I continue to be amazed that most web designers don't use a simple @media or <link media=x> bit o' code to write some simple CSS hiding the nav, the footer, and/or the overly-large title image that forced the rest of the text to print off the edge of the paper, etc. It's easy. Print-preview something at to see.

    Anyway, that sounds great, IE team. Saving trees, and users' sanities! Yay!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Just a quick and probably not too significant request. Would it be possible to fix the text selection process to only select what you're actually highlighting? The way it's set up now, when you select a word(s) on a web page by highlighting it, it tries desperately to take the space before the word and/or after the word as well. Generally, I don't want the spaces when I'm selecting text.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Sorry if this is a duplicate:

    How about letting the user specify the percentage that orphan control kicks in at? You mentioned 10%. How about letting the user choose a value between pre-defined limits? It might not have to be (but very well could be) a UI control. Instead, it could be a registry setting that could be controlled via script and/or group policy.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    "Print-preview something at to see."

    I went here and did a print preview and was suprised to see--a blank page! And then after several seconds, the page appeared. In cases like this, where print preview needs to fetch additional files from the internet, it would be great to show something to the user to that effect, so they know that the page is loading.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    Making the orphan control user specified would not be a good idea. I cannot see any practical use in letting people set percentages between for instance 5% and 20%. Webdevelopers however would get complaints about printing that they cannot reproduce because people have used some personal orphan setting.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Someone here said that adding printing info to each webpage is fairly easy. However if you order a webapplication for lets'say €25.000 and the extra cost of for making all pages of the application printable (and testing that) in different browsers is an additional 5k or more, without really generating any more income, it is easy to see why companies won't go for it. So a standard solution for printing of webpages will most likely be needed always.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I would just like to echo Dave's comment above. It would be great if IE could repeat table headers on subsequent pages when printing goes beyond 1 page. Perhaps the thead tag could dictate what those headers are, or some css style if preferred.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    oh well the beta thread was big and i'm sure this would be missed.

    will the SELECT input overlay bug be fixed in the final ie 7 version?
    because in the beta the select case still shows on top of a layer...annoying.and the only way to fix it is to have the layer in an iframe...or use javascript to crop the select case where the layer overdraws it.

    just an idea...the printing ideas sound cool we've been having the same wishes for programs we're developing.Glad to see ie will be using this :)

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The misinformation keeps coming:

    <<it's critical to have the table headers repeatable so you know what data you're looking at>>
    <<It would be great if IE could repeat table headers on subsequent pages when printing goes beyond 1 page>>

    IE and other browsers already provide for the Web coder to do that. Internet Explorer repeats headers and footers in data tables by means of CSS properties that are dropdead simple to use.

    Brett Merkey

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I second Xepol's request of adding IE7 to Ladybug (MSDN Product Feedback Center) for bugs, feature requests and other product feedback.

    Especially as the next time a team says that it is "listening to customers" there is hard proof for everyone to see :)

    At the moment, I also can't find any way to report bugs for MSDN/Technet IE7 users who don't have logins to the beta site/newsgroups.

    This will become much more important if there is a public Beta 2.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    when is IE 7 thought to be released for the public?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I've found bugs with printing that when dealing with complex floating elements and layers that bringing up the print window crashes. The only way to make IE not crash was to add a print stylesheet that makes one of the floating layers display:none;

    I wonder/hope that the shrink to fit will fix this problem.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    I mentioned a problem with printing in IE that happens even today; if you host an Office Document within a frameset, then try and print that document/frameset, it just doesn't seem to work. When the document is the immediate child of the window, the Print function correctly invokes the application's print dialog, but this relationship seems to get lost when the document is hosted in a sub frame?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Paul Armstrong: I'd suggest posting a link to a page that will cause the print preview to crash. That way, if the IE team doesn't already know about this, they can have somewhere to start.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Printing in IE has been killing me for 7 years now. I have written ActiveX controls to handle 4 things that should be built-in.
    1) Left, Right, Top & Bottom Margins
    2) Setting the Header/Footer
    3) Print orientation (normal/landscape)
    4) Better/more accurate page breaks (or support for page-break-before:avoid)

    IE is sooooooo close to being a usable means for implementing printing (think: replacement for Crystal Reports). If only there was better support for printing.

    Other things that would be nice, but I can live without include:
    1) rich content (html) in the header/footer
    2) trust zones for printing so a user can trust a web site to print via script without being prompted
    3) print-preview via script

    btw. Until these features are implemented in IE, it seems like InfoPath will continue to be another printing pain-in-the-wazoo (since InfoPath uses IE for its UI/Printing engine).

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Okay, so I was looking at the IE Blog today on a Mac OS X computer with IE5 for Macintosh...and it looked different!

    Figuring that perhaps there was some funny business going on with the browser, I tried again on my regular PC...and it's still different.

    Was there any particular reason for the design change? Is there a way that a visitor to this blog can request to see the old version?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I heared some rumors that they are not going to include in IE7 pop-up blocking technology. If this technology is already in SP2 they shouldn't take it away. Internet Explorer without pop-up blocking is an open door to welcome new spyware and adware to the new browser.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    First inclination would be to say to be sure to handle the printing aspects allowed under CSS 2.1. The ability to use print stylesheets is wonderful.

    That being said, if the page won't fit, perhaps having the ability to print to landscape when it will fit in that situation might be better than only having shrink-to-fit. A number of web pages that are built to fit in a 1024 x 768 screen will fit just fit into a landscape page (when they don't scroll).

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    IE7 security changes: Rob Franco of Microsoft provides guidance on some of the security work being done in IE7. The first beta, now in private release, adds additional constraints on some uses of URLs and browser scripts. Rob also describes...

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Your printing improvements to IE7 break the ability to print HTML e-mails from Outlook 2003

    Error : Object Required
    URL res://ieframe.dll/previes.dlg

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tried some samples of shrink to fit. I went to because I knew they had a wider page and was curious to see what would happen. Both in PRINT, and PRINT PREVIEW, I got a windows error and was asked to close IE7b1. FYI.

    Also, if shrink to fit causes over a certain percent of shrinkage, why not offer user the option to print landscape?

    I'd also like to see the Print table and page backgrounds moved or added to the Print dialog rather than Internet Options.

    Thanks for allowing us to comment on this as it develops.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Can any one solve this problem I'm having regarding printing contents of a page in IE 6.0.

    The idea is to print the contents of a text editor by first transferring the contents onto a webpage and then using IE's print preview. Now the problem is the layout of contents in preview does not appear as is in the web page.

    I've tried setting margins and page size but to no avail.

    Could you please suggest how to print the contents of a texteditor as is i.e. WYSIWYG?

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2006
    In my previous post, I gave a glimpse of what to come in IE7 and printing. Now that the Beta 2 Preview...

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