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Windows Phone 台灣市集遊戲分級新規定 - 遊戲開發商請注意 ( Windows Phone Taiwan Marketplace game rating - Attetion ! Game publishers)

為了配合及遵守行政院在101年5月29日公布的"遊戲軟體分級管理辦法", Windows Phone 台灣市集的遊戲未來都必須要按照辦法中的五個遊戲分級做分類.




從這周(11/26)起Windows Phone 市集也會開始要求軟體商在發布遊戲到台灣市集時需要選擇該遊戲的等級. 這個等級將由遊戲開發商自己認定, 微軟市集審查團隊並不負責驗證.

另外根據辦法中的規定, 在台灣區發布的遊戲在遊戲內容描述時, 將會由系統自動加上"注意使用時間 避免遊戲沉迷"警語.

而有 In-App Purchase(IAP) 功能的遊戲, 系統會自動加上 "本遊戲部分內容或服務需另行支付其他費用"警語.




  • 在 2012年五月29日以後發布的遊戲, 需要在 2013年1月1日前指定遊戲分級.
  • 在 2012年五月29日以前發布的遊戲, 需要在2013年12月31日前指定遊戲分級.

受影響的遊戲開發商接下來會陸續收到微軟市集團隊的通知, 如果遊戲開發商沒有在指定日期前提供分級資料, 該遊戲將會在台灣地區市集被下架.

也就是說2013年1月2日起, 不符合以上規定的遊戲會被下架.

如果你是遊戲開發商, 請記得為你的遊戲設定分級資料.

如果你是玩家, 也記得為你喜愛的遊戲發個信給遊戲開發商, 提醒他們設定分級資料.

詳細說明也可以參考 Windows Phone Developer Blog:  Windows Phone Store market expansion and new game ratings 


[English Version]

On May 29, 2012, Taiwan goverment announced a new game rating system (CSRR) the includes mobile games. The requlation requires ratings icons, content descriptors and warning statements online and in game descriptions visible to customers in the store.

Effective January 1, 2013, all games published in Taiwan must have a valid CSRR rating, which developers are required to register with the Taiwan government database before distributing.

The rating has five classes: 0~6, 6+~12, 12+~15, 15+~18, 18+~, for the detail please refer to Wiki here.

The CSRR rating is self-reported, but must accurately reflect the game's content.

To support this new game rating system, Windows Phone marketplace will implement two changes in the comming weeks:

1. Dev Center will require developers to select a CSRR rating during game submission. But not extra CSRR rating certificate required.

2. To support the warning statements requirements, all games will have an addictiction warning(注意使用時間 避免遊戲沉迷) and an in-app purchase warning (本遊戲部分內容或服務需另行支付其他費用) automatically added to game descriptions.

Also game publishers will be requred to add a valid game rating:

- Published after May 29, 2012: Game must be updated to displayed a valid rating by January 1, 2013

- Published before May 29, 2012: Game must be updated to dispaly a valide rating by December 31, 2013

- Beginning January 2, 2013, those publisher who have not updated their apss to include a valid game rating for those apps published after May 29, 2012, will be removed from the Windows Phone Store in Taiwan.

If you are an gammer, please remind the publishers of your favorite games to add a valid rating.

You can refer to  Windows Phone Developer Blog:  Windows Phone Store market expansion and new game ratings for detail infomation.