Feature of the Day: Word Documents
Welcome to the Feature of the Day for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013. Today we are talking about the new Word Documents.
GP2013 FOD Additional Word Templates.ppsx
August 15, 2012
Pam, does this mean that the Short/Long/Other form types will be able to be emailed? In GP2010, currently only the Blank forms can be emailed.Anonymous
August 27, 2012
Yes, the additional forms will be able to be emailed. They would need to render them as templates and then the user will need to print them to the screen and email. Based on research we found that the blank form is the dominate form used by customers who do not have pre-printed forms so email is setup to only auto email the blank forms.Anonymous
August 30, 2012
Just for clarification then, that particular aspect is unchanged, since we can already render short/long/other templates to the screen and email from there. Thanks for all the great info, Pam!