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Dynamics GP 2010 R2 64-bit Hyper-V FAQs

Below are some helpful FAQs for the new 64-bit Hyper-V image set. 

  • Your primary login information for the image is:
    • Name:             Contoso\Administrator
    • Password:        pass@word1
  • On the GP2010-A image, if you log in, there is a “Start Services” icon on the main desktop, but when the you try to run it, it gives you errors.  RESPONSE: The errors are fine. Some of the Windows Services will not start but need to be set to automatic. The script is primarily for Exchange and Lync services. So you can safely ignore the errors.
  • On the GP2010-B image, if you log in as ‘sa’, there is a “rsSharePoint” icon on the main desktop.  What is it for?  RESPONSE: You should not log in as Administrator, rather log in as Contoso\Administrator, and you won’t see that icon.
  • On the GP2010-B image, if you log in as ‘sa’, Outlook is not set up. RESPONSE: Log in as Contoso\Administrator and it’ll work appropriately.  All AD users are setup for Email and Lync. Only Contoso\Administrator and Phyllis have been through the Outlook wizard.
  • The Business Portal Administration page is at https://gp2010-b:81/BP/Administration/Applications%20Common%20Pages/Administration%20Home.aspx
  • Workflow:  It is under IE Favorites. The Menu Bar is not enabled, you might want to make that visible. Under Favorites there is BP and Workflow.  Workflow site is:  https://gp2010-b/sites/dynamicsgpworkflow    All the workflow types are enabled, you just need to setup your workflow steps and enable in the company.  Because multiple users have not yet been implemented, workflow approvals may be challenging.
  • What to do if you’re having issues with MR
  • Make sure that you’re logged in using the primary login information at the top of this page – you will get errors and have issues if you log in as “Administrator” and not “Contoso\Administrator”.
  • Make sure that both GP2010-A and GP2010-B images are running, and that their system clocks are within 5 minutes of each other on the same date/time.
  • All databases had their dates normalized (consistent year) to 2018 (as the most “current” year).  What does this mean when you start the image? 
    • If you use the Contoso Entertainment company and leave the machine date as the current date, the SRS reports are 0.
    • If you use the Contoso Entertainment company and change the date to sometime in 2018, some dashboards have numbers.  In future releases, we’ll be evaluating the data displayed to ensure that its representative of the underlying data.

Jay Manley