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Upgrading from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

In this article I will list the steps in short form and I think it's enough for Professional SharePoint administrators J.

Upgrade process:

  1. Build new SharePoint 2013 farm
  2. Make SharePoint 2010 content databases as Read-only (No specific version or Cumulative update is required)
  3. Take backup from content databases
  4. Restore these content databases to SQL Server of SharePoint 2013
  5. Create Web Application in SharePoint 2013 with the default content database (new database)
  6. Deploy any custom solution from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013
  7. Deploy any physical files like (DLLs in bin, customization in web.confg…
  8. Remove the default content database
  9. Run Test-SPContentDatabase  –Name  … -WebApplication …
    1. Fix any missing features, WebParts, and re-run the commands
  10. Mount-SPContentDatabase –Name … -WebApplication …
  11. Upgrade the UI from top bar

Tools to figure out any issues:

  • Event Logs
  • Logs folder
  • Health analyzer in Site Collection settings

Common Issues:

  • Migrate from classic-mode to claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2013
  • Need to change the top area in custom master page after upgrade (Ribbon, Settings icon…)
  • After upgraded, SharePoint will change the custom master pages from site settings to default master pages so consider to do the following:
    • Get list of master pages and their websites from SharePoint 2010
      1. Get-SPSite https://portal | Get-SPWeb -Limit All | Select Title, URL, CustomMasterUrl | Export-Svc -Path c:\sites.cvc
      2. Create script which first update the value of master pages to 15 and then create script to change the default master page from site settings
  • Custom site columns are hidden so to fix it (I think this common for any things become hidden like maybe content types…)
    1. De-Active the Feature which contains Your site Columns
    2. Un-install the Feature 
    3. Copy Feature folder from /14/Template/Features to  /15/Template/Features 
    4. Install the feature with the new path
    5. enable the feature with force option
    6. iisreset
  • To change any SharePoint projects from 2010 to 2013
    • Make sure to change the following value
      1. For framework use 4.5
      2. For SharePoint path use /15
      3. Change any reference of DLLs from 14 version to 15 version
  • To keep the UI in SharePoint 2010 and hide the top button which ask for upgrade 
    • #Get the site collection
    • $Site = Get-spsite "https://test"
    • #Disable Upgrade options from UI
    • $Site.AllowSelfServiceUpgrade = $false

This disables upgrade options from site the collection by removing the upgrade banner and the "Upgrade Site Collection" button from Site collection upgrade page of site settings. So now, the only option to upgrade is: using PowerShell cmdlet: Upgrade-SPSite