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Great Sessions from TechEd North America 2014

Last month I attended TechEd North America 2014 in Houston Texas. In addition to attending some incredible sessions, I also presented one on Exchange Online Protection. This article contains a summary of the sessions I found to be interesting and valuable to those who work with Exchange Online and Exchange Server. As an added bonus, I have also included sessions that any good geek like myself would enjoy.

Exchange / Email related

Protecting Your Organization with Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP)
This is the session that I presented this year at TechEd. It contains both 200 and 300 level content and applicable for both those of have worked with EOP and those who have not.

Building a Hybrid Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Deployment in Less than 75 Minutes
Very valuable session for those that need to learn about hybrid deployment and don’t have much time to learn.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in Microsoft Office 365
Great information on how DLP works and how it integrates with Exchange Online Protection.

Encryption in Microsoft Office 365
Office 365 Encryption is a policy based encryption for Exchange Online Protection.

Future Look at Microsoft Exchange Server
Very interesting session that touches on both Exchange Server and Office 365.

Microsoft Outlook Connectivity: Current and Future
This session takes a close look at how Outlook connects to Exchange Server and what is planned for the future.

Power Shell

Windows PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffrey Snover
Great speakers that do an exceptional session on PowerShell. They cover 100, 200, and 300 levels. Something for everyone!

Windows PowerShell Best Practices and Patterns: Time to Get Serious
Great PowerShell session that gets quite technical.

Geeky sessions that Andrew liked

Pass-the-Hash: How Attackers Spread and How to Stop Them
Eye opening session, extremely interesting and quite scary.

2014 Edition: How Many Coffees Can You Drink While Your PC Starts?
Very interesting session if you are interested in troubleshooting slow Windows boot times.

Case of the Unexplained: Troubleshooting with Mark Russinovich
Mark has about 6 “Case of the Unexplained” sessions that he’s done over the years. They are extremely technical and incredibly fascinating. They usually revolve around troubleshooting strange Windows issues with Sysinternals tools.

What’s New in Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V
Fascinating session if you use and are interested in Hyper-V. Server 2012 R2 brings some awesome features to Hyper-V.

Windows 8 Security Internals
Extremely fascinating talk about Windows 8 security. The session opens with examining user tokens and comparing regular tokens to elevated tokens.

Mark Russinovich and Mark Minasi on Cloud Computing
This session is essentially an interview with Mark Russinovich on Microsoft Azure. Very interesting if you are interested in Azure.

TWC: Malware Hunting with Mark Russinovich and the Sysinternals Tools
As I’m sure you can tell from this article, I find Mark Russinovich talks to be extremely interesting and this is no exception. It focusses on the Sysinternals tool suit and their use for examining Malware on an infected machine.

TWC: Live Demonstration: Hacker Tools You Should Know and Worry about in 2014
Some very interesting tools that make malicious attacks quite easy. One of the demos shows how easy arp and dns poisoning attacks can be to implement.

For those that aren’t aware, all TechEd content is available on Channel 9 and free for anyone to watch. You can check out all of the content from TechEd events here.