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Going to Convergence 2011 Atlanta? Sign Up for Concept Box Sessions to Impact Future Versions of CRM

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team are enthusiastically looking forward to meeting you at Convergence 2011, sharing with you some of our ideas and aspirations for future versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and, as always, learning from you, your experiences, your needs, and your insights during our Concept Box Sessions.

Concept Box Sessions: Influence, Insight, Shape

Between Sunday, April 10th and Wednesday, April 13th members of the CRM Research and Development Team will be hosting a series of discussion groups and forward-looking research sessions at the Atlanta Convention Center.  During these sessions, we will present sketches and ideas designed to improve the future Microsoft Dynamics CRM; we invite you to review and critique designs and present your important scenarios, your business needs and processes, so that you can directly influence our direction in a wide array of areas.  *These sessions are limited in size, so please respond early. *

Gratuity & Non-Disclosure Agreement

Participants in each Discussion Group will receive a Microsoft gratuity which must be mailed to a U.S. address.  We will have a list of gratuity choices available for you at the sessions.  We will also ask you to sign a standard Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) so that we can confidentially share our ideas and present our thinking.


These Microsoft Dynamics CRM Discussion Groups are open to ALL Convergence 2011 Attendees who want to learn about and influence the future of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

End Users – (for example) Sales Professional, Marketing Professional, Customer Service Representative

Business Decision Makers – (for example) Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Service Managers

Partners, IT Experts, Developers – (for example) Implementation Partner, Solution Developer, IT Managers


All sessions will be in the Atlanta Convention Center, Room A-301.


Please review the session titles and RSVP directly to me ( your preferred Concept Box Sessions; I will send you an email invitation confirming the session date(s) and time(s): Some Sessions will be repeated so that we can accommodate your schedules at Convergence 2011.

These discussions and research sessions are specifically designed to collect feedback from our customers, users, developers, and partners on our future thinking and aspirations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  All Convergence 2011 attendees are welcome regardless of your product focus.   If you are interested in learning more about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online and On Premise, our most recent CRM releases, we encourage you to take advantage of the other generally available and informative Microsoft Dynamics CRM sessions during Convergence 2011.

Thank you, as always, for the privilege of learning from your distinctive insights and constructive feedback as well as envisioning with us an evolving Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  We are eager to welcome you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team

I. Sunday (Josh Chang)—1:30-2:45— Tomorrow’s Communication and Collaboration Experience

Concept Box: Join us to review and critique User Interface experiences for seeing business contact feeds, social graphs for business connections, sharing business contact information with your colleagues!

II. Monday (Manisha Powar)—11-12:15—Sales Force Automation

Concept Box: Sales Force Automation, an extensively interesting domain, will best grow when the R&D Team listens to you, understands your experiences, focuses on your scenarios, discusses with you their current thinking and appreciates your feedback. 

Please join this multifaceted Concept Box Session, review early storyboards, and help us hone our work.

Each of these 3 Sessions will have different perspectives: Please join us for any one or all!

III. Monday (Sandhya Vankamamidi)—1:30-2:45—Integrated Agent Desktop

Concept Box: Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s Agent Desktop aims to increase agent effectiveness by unifying data and legacy applications while guiding agents through their workflows.Review the integrated Lync experience designed to provide Customer Care Agents with contextual collaboration.

Come to this session to learn about our nextGen Integrated Agent Desktop thinking and shape the product with your valuable feedback.

IV. Monday (Josh Chang)—3-4:15—On Premise to Online Migration  Experience

Concept Box: Are you an On Premise Customer or a hosting partner?  Are you interested in upgrading to the cloud?  Why or why not? Guide Our Envisioning as we consider together the opportunities, approaches, challenges, and scenarios faced in the IT Admin experience of moving from an On Premise to and Online version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Please join this multifaceted Concept Box Session, review early thoughts (perhaps storyboards), and help us design the experience.

V. Monday (Steven Kaplan)—4:30-5:15—Social Customer Care—Making Your Customer Your Best Friend?

Concept Box: As more conversations about your business happen through the Social Web, Facebook and Twitter for example, Customer Service Organizations are exploring these channels as ways of delivering new types of service.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM aims to help Customer Service Organizations by enabling you to LISTEN, PARTICIPATE, and ANALYZEthe conversations from the Social Web, integrate the Social Web Learnings into the traditional Customer Service Organization to deliver more fun and personalized customer interactions.

Come to this Concept Box Session to INFLUENCE our roadmap for “social customer care.”

VI. Tuesday (Manisha Powar)—9-10:15—Sales Force Automation

Concept Box: Sales Force Automation, an extensively interesting domain, will best grow when the R&D Team listens to you, understands your experiences, focuses on your scenarios, discusses with you their current thinking and appreciates your feedback. 

Please join this multifaceted Concept Box Session, review early storyboards, and help us hone our work.

Each of these 3 Sales Force Automation Sessions will have different perspectives: Please join us for any one or all!

VII. Tuesday (Josh Chang)—10:30-11:45—Online Organizational Management Scenario Building

Concept Box: Organizational Management Scenarios, such as user management and other scenarios are core to this session during which we will request your feedback and critiques.  This will be a broad and open-ended discussion with an Online expert to address topics of importance to you and us.

Please join this Concept Box Session, review early storyboards, and brainstorm with us on organizational management scenarios.


VIII. Tuesday (Sandhya Vankamamidi)—1:30-2:45—IntegratedAgent Desktop

Concept Box: Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s Agent Desktop aims to increase agent effectiveness by unifying data and legacy applications while guiding agents through their workflows.Review the integrated Lync experience designed to provide Customer Care Agents with contextual collaboration.

Come to this session to learn about our nextGen Integrated Agent Desktop thinking and shape the product with your valuable feedback.


IX. Tuesday (Manisha Powar)—3:15-4:30—Sales Force Automation

Concept Box: Sales Force Automation, an extensively interesting domain, will best grow when the R&D Team listens to you, understands your experiences, focuses on your scenarios, discusses with you their current thinking and appreciates your feedback. 

Please join this multifaceted Concept Box Session, review early storyboards, and help us hone our work.

Each of these 3 Sales Force Automation Sessions will have different perspectives: Please join us for any one or all!

X. Tuesday (Michael Guthmann)—4:45-6—EMPOWERING the IT Pro in the Cloud

Concept Box: IT is shifting to the Cloud but are still crucial in managing Cloud (Online) services.  Please guide our investments for the IT Pro in CRM Online by joining us and providing feedback that will allow us to EMPOWER your future work and shape our future direction.

XI. Wednesday (Josh Chang)—10:45-Noon-- On Premise to Online Migration Experience

Concept Box: Are you an On Premise Customer or a hosting partner?  Are you interested in upgrading to the cloud?  Why or why not? Guide Our Envisioning as we consider together the opportunities, approaches, challenges, and scenarios faced in the IT Admin experience of moving from an On Premise to and Online version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Please join this multifaceted Concept Box Session, review early thoughts (perhaps storyboards), and help us design the experience.

To participate in any sessions: Please contact: