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Machine Learning on Azure, how is it different?

Ho hum, machine learning, the very basis of that thing we call computer science and computing machines.  Must be boring right?  All of the interesting problems solved.  Statistics pushed down all college students brain stems, so there is nothing left.  Right?

Nope.  The Machine Learning Tool in Azure has a number of interesting features that can allow you to expand your capabilities by employing people who might not want to to gain the domain knowledge you have.  For example, you have created a most excellent R-Language tool that is making money for you, but if you could employ others to expand and customize your code, but not have access to your code, then Machine Learning is pretty cool stuff. 

Get Started

Zoom over to the following URL to get started:

If you are student, you can get access to free Azure WebSites and quickly show a professor let’s say who is expecting a project from you before the end of this week.  Seriously, it could save your bacon.

Here are some great resources:


Check out this link for the MVA:

To find out more about Machine Learning on Azure, you can get free access to the Machine Learning, but make sure to READ the EULA before using the “free” stuff.  I haven’t, but pretty sure that anything that is “free” on the Cloud has limitations, because there isn’t anything in the cloud.  Nothing.