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Game design: Let’s stop the objectification of women in games

Let’s face, for a number of years, video games were designed by men for men, which means in the present you are losing a large part of the market.  For a real eye opener I would recommend that you watch this video series on You Tube. 

I had wondered why I didn’t like GTA (Grand Thief Auto) and had pretty much given up on video games like that because of the up close and personal killing.  Now it isn’t that I agree with the conclusions reached in the videos, but even if you subtract the parts I disagree with, then you still have a massive mess that is ruining the future of game design. 

Women purchase games, they play games, but it is unlikely that the highly paid female game players (highly paid in their jobs, not as game players) will continue to buy your titles with killing of women and stealing their money.  Why can I say this?  Because I wouldn’t play a game that killed old men and took their money, likely for other reasons.

So, if you are interested in game design, and are over 16 or so, please watch this video.  Warning the material is graphic, the analysis is valid and well researched, the conclusions all seem to be logically consistent.  This video is not bombastic in nature.  This video and the others in the series should be included in your design philosophy.

Watch this video, draw your own conclusions, but if money is the driver for your work in games, these videos are clear: Stop the violence against women, stop the objectification of women,  I have drawn the conclusion that you will make more money if you stop this.  Think about the part of the brain you are reaching, and that means you are attempting to reach a very short attention span part of people, this means that you lose the opportunity to get people to spend more time and real money by purchasing in app products.   
