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Australian students get a deal on Office 2007 (and OneNote!)

I'm hearing some buzz about a 90-day offer going on in Australia. If you are a student at one of about 30 universities, you can get the "Ultimate" edition of Office 2007 (includes OneNote!)  for AUS$75 which is about 5% of what it costs to buy if you were to pay full price (which no one does of course, but it is still an amazing deal). Alternatively you can "rent to own" for AUS$25/yr for three years. Too good to be true? No, it's for real.

You can read more here:

And bland details here:

I looked into this a bit and while some people in Australia are speculating a lot about why this promotion is going on, the background is pretty simple. The fact is most university students can already get Office for about this price from their university because their university negotiated it into their purchase agreement on behalf of the students. The students just don't know it. And the universities find it a hassle to get the product out to students because they have to do all the muck work: getting boxes stocked, checking IDs, making sure people don't buy more than one, etc. So they don't promote it. This trial offer in Australia is experimenting with Microsoft handling the work. As long as the particular university you attend has purchased the right for all its students to have the software, you can just get a licence key directly from Microsoft. The difference is that the students have to get their own bits (usually download the free trial).

Pretty good deal. If you're a student in Australia, go for it!

I don't know anything about whether this program will be extended or offered in more places, so please don't ask, OK?


  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2007
    Matt, this blog has been all about the neat features of OneNote. Check this page ( for a "table of contents" of the new features in 2007. The OneNote 2007 Guide notebook that comes with OneNote itself is another great resource. Another blog to read is Dan Escapa from the OneNote team. He is furiously blogging away about all sorts of stuff:

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2007
    One new subscriber from Anothr Alerts

  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2007
    Your promotion in Austoralia was great, but can you do a similar of these in Malaysia. Most Malaysian Student using unlicesned software,because they don't want to pay for licesned one because it is very expensive. If you do this promotion for only Multimedia University-Cyberjaya( for all student.You help me to change they mind of many of them toy use legal license and you safethem against many damage to their systems such as Marco attachs Viruses.

  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2007
    Reza: I don't work on the promotions but I did pass your comment on. I think the Australian promotion is a test to see if the program works - and so far it seems to be doing really well. In fact all it is is trying to do is make students aware that most already have the right to lower prices on the software, and to make it easier to obtain by taking the burden off the university staff. Perhaps the program will be expanded - let's hope so!

  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2007
    In U.S. Microsoft have a big academic connection with almost all universities in there and it is easy to do promotion like these.But in Malaysia I am not quick sure. The most important benefit of these event is that student use legal licesnse. So we can have a hope that Microsoft can support them. Because they need Microsoft office,they looking for it. They have 2 options: 1- legal Min = 500 Ringit Malaysia 2-illegal Max = 10 Ringit Malaysia Only a student that understand software dynamic can understand what  real happen in option number 2 but others not. I am ready with my Maximum energy and potential to help microsoft for any activities that they are going to do in my university.I hope we can make a legal software access for students not only in U.S. ,Austoralia and Malaysia ,but also in around the world.

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2007
    This is certainly an excellent promotion.  I have installed Office Ultimate 2007 and it is FANTASTIC!!! Many students at Flinders Uni. Adelaide have taken up the offer with copies of the CD being left in computer labs & the library... & there is not long until the promotion ends. If you are a student like me, having the best software and saving money are top priorities - this promotion achieves both... $75 is very cheap & well worth it!

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2007
    Reza: I think some MS people have already contacted you Jeff: glad you like it! spread the word before its over!

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2007
    thank you Chris, yes they contact me and I am discuss with them to see what will happen.