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Looking for interns....

Hello All,

We are looking to fill a couple of intern roles with a January start date. We will have a position in Sydney and one in the ACT! If you have less than one years work experience and have recently graduated have a look at the following profiles and apply on - line, attention Larissa Reyes

** Microsoft IT Intern Program



.Net Developer - Sydney

The overall purpose of this position is to encourage the acquisition of technical, developer and testing skills with particular reference to Microsoft technology and solutions. To this end, the intern will be required to:


· Learn and understand .NET technology

· Assist with web and application development for Microsoft IT.

· Build internal applications for Microsoft IT.

· Develop and run automated test suites.

· Run up and install software on test systems.

· Manage the application build process.


· Competent developer - skills in C#, VB, HTML, SQL Server and ASP.

· General familiarity with contemporary project management methods

· Technical ability to build servers using MS technologies and configure basic web sites



(these are standard intern competencies)

Successful candidates will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:


· Problem Solving

· Creativity in relation to idea development, and approaches to unusual or difficult situations or problems.

· Drive for Results

· Action Orientation

· Self Development

· Communication and Interpersonal Skills

· Technical passion


Likely Background

A suitable candidate would come from the following:


· Computer Science Faculty - Undertaking or about to complete a degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or ecommerce, or

· Business/Commerce Faculty – Undertaking or about to complete a business-oriented degree with a major information technology component


It is anticipated that the suitable candidate would have a varied range of interests and activities. Further, that their academic results in key subjects are at a very high standard.

Microsoft Job Description

Technology Specialist Intern

Group and Job Purpose

Primary Job Functions

Role in Business Process

Candidate Profile

Have a look here for more information on the Microsoft Intern program.


