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PowerShell script for generating a Visual Studio profile


Idea is to start the following script and, at the same time, run a Visual Studio load test against that same web app. If everything works well, at the exit of the script you should end up with a Visual Studio profile (.vsp) that you can analyze.

It requires Visual Studio 2010 Performance Tools installed.

# VSProfile.ps1
# Sample call: .\VSProfile.ps1 -AppPoolName "SharePoint - 80" -ProfileOutputPath C:\Temp\Profile.vsp -ProfileDurationSeconds 120
param($AppPoolName, $ProfileOutputPath, $ProfileDurationSeconds)

# set perf tools dir
$env:perftoolsdir = "$env:ProgramFiles (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Team Tools\Performance Tools\x64"

# enable sampling
& "$env:perftoolsdir\vsperfclrenv" /sampleon

# get PID of the w3wp process to profile
& "$env:windir\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe" list wp | %{ if($_ -match "WP `"(?<pid>\d+).*(applicationPool:$AppPoolName)") { $w3wpid = [System.Int32]::Parse($matches["pid"]) } }
write-host "Will profile process ID $w3wpid"

# attach to that process
& "$env:perftoolsdir\vsperfcmd" /crosssession /start:sample /attach:$w3wpid /output:$ProfileOutputPath

# wait

# detach
& "$env:perftoolsdir\vsperfcmd" /detach:$w3wpid
& "$env:perftoolsdir\vsperfcmd" /shutdown:5

# wait for vsp file to get totally flushed