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Get Into Kinect

Ok So I am writing a Blog yet am not the biggest fan of blogging so I will try my best to make this as short as possible and straight to the Point.

I am the technical evangelist for gaming and right now I am more focused on Kinect so for the upcoming time get ready to hear a lot about Kinect and developing apps on top of it.

So for all the gamers out there (who might be more into playing games than writing a Blog) and the Developers out there (who also might be more into developing than writing a Blog) get ready for Kinect

To start developing on top of Kinect all you need is:

  1. Get Impressed
  2. Kinect Sensor.
  3. Visual studio 2012 or 2010
  4. The latest SDK and the ToolKit (get them from here)

Now you are ready, next Thing is to start following us @AfricaApps, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me directly @Omar_Islam