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PowerShell script to create AD groups from a .CSV file

Here is a script that I used recently on a project that might be of use to you all.

You need to pass the .csv file as a parameter and let the script do the rest!

The file has to be in the format of:



The script is below:

#    Author:         Aaron Saikovski -
#    Version:         1.0 - Built using V1.0 RTM build of powershell
#    Date:             13th May 2009
#   Description:     Creates AD Domain global groups
#                    The script assumes it's run on a domain controller. 
#                    It could also be run remotely and just adjust the script with a DC name
#    Usage:             ImportADGroups.ps1 ADGroupFile.csv
#                    Example - ImportSPGroupsV1.1.ps1 "ADGroupFile.csv"

#Set params
param (   
    [string] $ADGroupFile = ""

#Set the DC, OU domain information - Set depending on your environment
$objOU = [ADSI]"LDAP://localhost:389/OU=YourOUName,DC=Example,DC=com"

#Check that we have an AD grouplist
if ($ADGroupFile -ne "")
    #loop over the groups in the .CSV file
    ipcsv $ADGroupFile | foreach {

            #get the ADGroupname from the .CSV
            $ADGroupName = $_.ADGroupName;
            #ensure the site name isnt empty or blank
            if ($ADGroupName -ne "")
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "###########################################################################################";
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Adding ADGroup - $ADGroupName";
                #Create the AD Group
                $objGroup = $objOU.Create("group", "CN=" + $ADGroupName)
                $objGroup.Put("sAMAccountName", $ADGroupName )
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "###########################################################################################";

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "**AD Group Processing complete**";   
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "You must specify the AD group file.";


  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2010
    Thanks for that. Really came in handy.
  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2012
    Thanks for the script, really nice and useful!One question, do you know how to add a description to the AD-group(s) in the script also?would be really nice to get also.