Publish code for azure function using pipeline partially works, only update, added and removed work only after restart

LucaT 0 Punti di reputazione

I've been using the visualstudio pipeline to publish functions for several years. Only lately it is happening that when I publish the addition of new functions and the removal do not produce effects while the modification does. I started doing some tests for example by publishing this function with a progressive number to check what was happening.

        public IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post")] HttpRequest req, FunctionContext fContext)
            ILogger log = fContext.GetLogger("HttpVersion");
            String test = $@"TEST TEST TEST TEST  11";
            return (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult($"Test: , {test}");

From this simple function when I look at the functions panel I don't see the HttpVersion11 function but I continue to see the HttpVersion10 function (previously published) while HttpVersionBase changing only the text of response I see the new text changed. Only after a reboot does HttpVersion10 disappear and HttpVersion11 appears.

Visual Studio
Visual Studio
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