Publish code for azure function using pipeline partially works, only update, added and removed work only after restart
I've been using the visualstudio pipeline to publish functions for several years. Only lately it is happening that when I publish the addition of new functions and the removal do not produce effects while the modification does. I started doing some tests for example by publishing this function with a progressive number to check what was happening.
public IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post")] HttpRequest req, FunctionContext fContext)
ILogger log = fContext.GetLogger("HttpVersion");
String test = $@"TEST TEST TEST TEST 11";
return (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult($"Test: , {test}");
From this simple function when I look at the functions panel I don't see the HttpVersion11 function but I continue to see the HttpVersion10 function (previously published) while HttpVersionBase changing only the text of response I see the new text changed. Only after a reboot does HttpVersion10 disappear and HttpVersion11 appears.