Container App service Health checks configuration issue

Enrico Piccini 0 Punti di reputazione

I'm running 3 nodes of the same container (Keycloak) in Azure Container App service.

Keycloak is a Java based application that builds the code at the startup of the container, so it takes a "long" time to become up and ready.

In my Container App service, I configured Health probes (startup, readiness and liveness).

If I understand well, the startup probe is the first to be checked and when it's ok, readiness and liveness probes start their checks.

Is that correct?

My problem is that during the containers activation I got many logs (INFO) like this:

"The TargetPort 8080 does not match any of the listening ports: [57800 7800 39493]."

These kind of logs are stored into "system logs" and I suppose they're generated by readiness or liveness health checks, because the container is not still ready during the check.

Is that possibile?

Port 8080 is the application port and become available after source code is built and after application internal bootstrap.

The problem is that I cannot find the right configuration for my health checks to prevent this kind of logs.

Can you help me?

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