The ImportExport operation with Request Id '1a8a3820-8023-454a-8549-63d141709799' failed due to 'An internal error occurred. Please contact Microsoft support ...

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I want to automate the bacpac export and choose to use a powershell 7.2 runbook in an automation account.

I use ServicePrincipal with Certificate authentication and call the New-AzSqlDatabaseExport cmdlet, then call Get-AzSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus in a loop to wait the end of operation.

After 11m10s (all times i tested) I get the "The ImportExport operation with Request Id '1a8a3820-8023-454a-8549-63d141709799' failed due to 'An internal error occurred. Please contact Microsoft support ..."

The database contains only a single simple table for test.

I there a more detailed log about the problem?

       $exportRequest = New-AzSqlDatabaseExport -ResourceGroupName $db.ResourceGroupName -ServerName $db.ServerName -DatabaseName $copyDbName `
        -AuthenticationType "Sql" -AdministratorLogin $sqlCreds.UserName -AdministratorLoginPassword $sqlCreds.Password `
        -StorageKeyType "SharedAccessKey" -StorageKey $sasToken -StorageUri $bacpacUri `
        -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
database SQL di Azure
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