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Nikola Kochmalarski
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I have a problem with Extation Admin Center installed on my cluster Azure stack HCI 23H2 compossed from 2 noteds.
One of Nodes had a problem with Extation Admin Center. I try to remove and install newly but i have again the error.
the log is this:
Extension Message: Executing Enable operation, SettingDnsRecords:
Creating/updating DNS records, GetDataFromMetadataService:
Getting data from Azure metadata service, GetInstanceMetadataForArc:
Retrieving the virtual machine instance metadata information, GettingWacPort:
Getting Windows Admin Centers configured port, UpdatingWindowsAdminCenterConfiguration:
Updating Windows Admin Center Configuration, StoppingWindowsAdminCenterService:
Stopping Windows Admin Center service, UpdatingInstallationTypeSettings:
Updating Installation type for Windows Admin Center, UpdatingCSPSettings:
Updating CSP Frame Ancestors for Windows Admin Center, UpdatingCORSSettings:
Updating CORS origins for Windows Admin Center, UpdatingPort:
Updating port for Windows Admin Center, UpdatingWebSocketValidationOverride:
Updating WebSocket validation override settings, UpdatingTokenAuthenticationEnabled:
Updating token authentication setting, UpdatingAutoUpdate: Updating auto update setting, SettingProxy:
Updating proxy for Windows Admin Center, GettingWacPort:
Getting Windows Admin Centers configured port, UpdatingWindowsAdminCenterConfiguration:
Updating Windows Admin Center Configuration, GetDataFromMetadataService:
Getting data from Azure metadata service, GetInstanceMetadataForArc:
Retrieving the virtual machine instance metadata information, TestWACAppServiceReachability:
Testing reachability of Application Web Service of Windows Admin Center, GetAccessTokenForArc:
Getting access token from Azure Arc's identity endpoint, GetDataFromMetadataService:
Getting data from Azure metadata service, GetInstanceMetadataForArc:
Retrieving the virtual machine instance metadata information, RetrieveCertificate:
Failed to retrieve certificate from key vault using app service
How can i solve this issue?
Please refer to the English forums : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/
Nikola Kochmalarski