Good morning,
i have some json files that describe a model for the digital twin of a small airplane for a little project.
The language used is the DTDL (digital twin definition language).
I have already uploaded successfully more than 15 files inside my digital twin istance in microsoft azure digital twin, and they are displayed in a good way inside model graph.
Now, i uploaded more 5 files inside, and their relationships are not interpreted by the service at all.
The file json are all updated on the Azure Platform, but the relationships are not displayed. It is not only a graphical problem. Indeed, i tried to create some digital twin of theese models, and the program doesn't recognize the relationships, and so it doesn't allow me to create them inside the digital twin graphs.
The code of the models to me is correct: uploaded it without problems online on azure DT, and i validated it using the DTDL validator repo on github. I specify that all models are created using DTDL v2, as i know that the v3 has some problems with the graphical part of the service. Anyway the v2 should be perfect.
What am i doing wrong?
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"@id": "dtmi:com:DT:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "Tail empennages",
"contents": [
"@type": "Relationship",
"@id": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:relHaveVerticalStabilizer;1",
"name": "relHaveVerticalStabilizer",
"displayName": "Tail empennages have vertical stabilizer",
"target": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:verticalStabilizer;1"
"@type": "Relationship",
"@id": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:relHaveRudder;1",
"name": "relHhaveRudder",
"displayName": "Tail empennages have rudder",
"target": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:rudder;1"
"@type": "Relationship",
"@id": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:relHaveHorizontalStabilizer;1",
"name": "relHaveHorizontalStabilizer",
"displayName": "Tail empennages have horizontal stabilizer",
"target": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:horizontalStabilizer;1"
"@type": "Relationship",
"@id": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:relHaveElevator;1",
"name": "relHaveElevator",
"displayName": "Tail empennages have elevator",
"target": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:elevator;1"
"@type": "Relationship",
"@id": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:relHaveTrim;1",
"name": "relHaveTrim",
"displayName": "Tail empennages have trim",
"target": "dtmi:com:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:trim;1"
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"@id": "dtmi:com:DT:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:trim;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "Trim",
"contents": [
"@type": "Property",
"name": "trimInclination",
"displayName": "Trim inclination",
"schema": "integer"
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"@id": "dtmi:com:DT:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:verticalStabilizer;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "Vertical stabilizer"
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"@id": "dtmi:com:DT:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:rudder;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "Rudder",
"contents": [
"@type": "Property",
"name": "rudderInclination",
"displayName": "Rudder inclination",
"schema": "integer"
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"@id": "dtmi:com:DT:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:horizontalStabilizer;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "Horizontal stabilizer"
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"@id": "dtmi:com:DT:tecnamP92:tailEmpennages:elevator;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"displayName": "Elevator",
"contents": [
"@type": "Property",
"name": "elevatorInclination",
"displayName": "Elevator inclination",
"schema": "integer"
And the graph is:

Thank you!