Azure Certified Device program will conclude on February 23, 2024

Elena Vieceli 0 Punti di reputazione

In these days we have seen this message in your devicecatalog portal "The Azure Certified Device program has met its goals and will conclude on February 23, 2024. This means that the Azure Certified Device catalog, along with certifications for Azure Certified Device, Edge Managed, and IoT Plug and Play will no longer be available after this date."

We have two certified devices and we are receiving lot of questions from our sales network.
What is happening after February 23rd?
Could you explain us which are the consequences for our clients that based their system on Microsoft Azure IoT hub?

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  1. Yordan Ivanov (Convergys Corporation) 1,200 Punti di reputazione Fornitore Microsoft

    Good evening, Elena, This is the Italian forum. If you prefer to continue in English, please use the following link:  In case you'd prefer to continue with the information in Italian language, please let me know. Best regards, Yordan

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