Creare un runtime di integrazione SSIS di Azure tramite Azure PowerShell
SI APPLICA A: Azure Data Factory
Azure Synapse Analytics
Provare Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric, una soluzione di analisi all-in-one per le aziende. Microsoft Fabric copre tutto, dallo spostamento dati al data science, all'analisi in tempo reale, alla business intelligence e alla creazione di report. Vedere le informazioni su come iniziare una nuova prova gratuita!
Questo articolo illustra come creare un runtime di integrazione di Azure-SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) in Azure Data Factory (ADF) tramite Azure PowerShell.
Per Azure-SSIS IR in Azure Synapse Analytics, sostituire con le interfacce di PowerShell di Azure Synapse Analytics corrispondenti: Set-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime (Az.Synapse),Start-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime e Stop-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime.
Creare le variabili
Copiare e incollare lo script seguente. Specificare valori per le variabili.
### Azure Data Factory info
# If your input contains a PSH special character like "$", precede it with the escape character "`" - for example, "`$"
$SubscriptionName = "[your Azure subscription name]"
$ResourceGroupName = "[your Azure resource group name]"
# Data factory name - must be globally unique
$DataFactoryName = "[your data factory name]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$DataFactoryLocation = "EastUS"
### Azure-SSIS integration runtime info - This is a Data Factory compute resource for running SSIS packages.
$AzureSSISName = "[your Azure-SSIS IR name]"
$AzureSSISDescription = "[your Azure-SSIS IR description]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$AzureSSISLocation = "EastUS"
# For supported node sizes, see
$AzureSSISNodeSize = "Standard_D8_v3"
# 1-10 nodes are currently supported
$AzureSSISNodeNumber = 2
# Azure-SSIS IR edition/license info: Standard or Enterprise
$AzureSSISEdition = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Enterprise lets you use advanced features on your Azure-SSIS IR
# Azure-SSIS IR hybrid usage info: LicenseIncluded or BasePrice
$AzureSSISLicenseType = "LicenseIncluded" # LicenseIncluded by default, whereas BasePrice lets you bring your own on-premises SQL Server license with Software Assurance to earn cost savings from Azure Hybrid Benefit option
# For a Standard_D1_v2 node, up to 4 parallel executions per node are supported. For other nodes, up to (2 x number of cores) are currently supported.
$AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode = 8
# Custom setup info: Standard/express custom setups
$SetupScriptContainerSasUri = "" # OPTIONAL to provide a SAS URI of blob container for standard custom setup where your script and its associated files are stored
$ExpressCustomSetup = "[RunCmdkey|SetEnvironmentVariable|InstallAzurePowerShell|SentryOne.TaskFactory|oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET|oh22is.HEDDA.IO|KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit|KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack|Theobald.XtractIS|AecorSoft.IntegrationService|CData.Standard|CData.Extended or leave it empty]" # OPTIONAL to configure an express custom setup without script
# Virtual network info: Azure Resource Manager or Classic
$VnetId = "[your virtual network resource ID or leave it empty]" # REQUIRED if you use Azure SQL Database server configured with a private endpoint/IP firewall rule/virtual network service endpoint or Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network to host SSISDB, or if you require access to on-premises data without configuring a self-hosted IR. We recommend Azure Resource Manager virtual network, because classic virtual network will be deprecated soon.
$SubnetName = "[your subnet name or leave it empty]" # WARNING: Use the same subnet as the one used for Azure SQL Database server configured with a virtual network service endpoint or a different subnet from the one used for Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network
$SubnetId = $VnetId + '/subnets/' + $SubnetName
# Virtual network injection method: Standard or Express. For comparison, see
$VnetInjectionMethod = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Express lets you use the express virtual network injection method
# Public IP address info: OPTIONAL to provide two standard static public IP addresses with DNS name under the same subscription and in the same region as your virtual network
$FirstPublicIP = "[your first public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
$SecondPublicIP = "[your second public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
### SSISDB info
$SSISDBServerEndpoint = "[your Azure SQL Database server or managed instance name.DNS or managed instance name.public.DNS,3342 or leave it empty if you do not use SSISDB]" # WARNING: If you use SSISDB, ensure that there's no existing SSISDB on your database server, so we can prepare and manage one on your behalf
# Authentication info: SQL or Azure AD
$SSISDBServerAdminUserName = "[your server admin username for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
$SSISDBServerAdminPassword = "[your server admin password for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
# For the basic pricing tier, specify "Basic," not "B." For standard, premium, and elastic pool tiers, specify "S0," "S1," "S2," "S3," etc. See
$SSISDBPricingTier = "[Basic|S0|S1|S2|S3|S4|S6|S7|S9|S12|P1|P2|P4|P6|P11|P15|…|ELASTIC_POOL(name = <elastic_pool_name>) for Azure SQL Database server or leave it empty for managed instance]"
### Self-hosted integration runtime info - This can be configured as a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingPath = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
Accedere e selezionare una sottoscrizione
Aggiungere lo script seguente per accedere e selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure.
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
Convalidare la connessione al server di database
Aggiungere lo script seguente per convalidare il server database SQL di Azure o l'istanza gestita.
# Validate only if you use SSISDB and you don't use virtual network or Azure AD authentication
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword))
$SSISDBConnectionString = "Data Source=" + $SSISDBServerEndpoint + ";User ID=" + $SSISDBServerAdminUserName + ";Password=" + $SSISDBServerAdminPassword
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SSISDBConnectionString;
Catch [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]
Write-Warning "Cannot connect to your Azure SQL Database server, exception: $_";
Write-Warning "Please make sure the server you specified has already been created. Do you want to proceed? [Y/N]"
$yn = Read-Host
if(!($yn -ieq "Y"))
Ottenere l'ID dell'applicazione Azure Batch
- Passare al portale di Azure.
- Nella barra di ricerca digitare
Microsoft Azure Batch
e selezionarlo nell'elenco a discesa, in Microsoft Entra ID. - Nella pagina Microsoft Azure Batch annotare o copiare l'ID applicazione negli Appunti.
- Nello script seguente impostare la
variabile su questo valore prima di eseguirla.
Configurare una rete virtuale
Aggiungere lo script seguente per configurare automaticamente le autorizzazioni e le impostazioni della rete virtuale per il runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS da aggiungere.
# Make sure to run this script against the subscription to which the virtual network belongs
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
# Register to the Azure Batch resource provider
$BatchObjectId = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $BatchApplicationId).Id
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Batch
while(!(Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Batch").RegistrationState.Contains("Registered"))
Start-Sleep -s 10
if($VnetId -match "/providers/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/")
# Assign the VM contributor role to Microsoft.Batch
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $BatchObjectId -RoleDefinitionName "Classic Virtual Machine Contributor" -Scope $VnetId
Creare un gruppo di risorse
Creare un Gruppo di risorse di Azure con il comando New-AzResourceGroup. Un gruppo di risorse è un contenitore logico in cui le risorse di Azure vengono distribuite e gestite come gruppo.
Se il gruppo di risorse esiste già, non copiare questo codice nello script.
New-AzResourceGroup -Location $DataFactoryLocation -Name $ResourceGroupName
Creare una data factory
Eseguire questo comando per creare una data factory.
Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $DataFactoryLocation `
-Name $DataFactoryName
Creare un runtime di integrazione
Eseguire questo comando per creare un runtime di integrazione SSIS di Azure che esegue i pacchetti SSIS in Azure.
Se non si usa SSISDB, è possibile omettere i CatalogServerEndpoint
parametri , CatalogPricingTier
e CatalogAdminCredential
Se non si usa un server database SQL di Azure con regole del firewall IP/endpoint servizio di rete virtuale o un'istanza gestita con endpoint privato per ospitare SSISDB o richiedere l'accesso ai dati locali, è possibile omettere i VNetId
parametri e Subnet
o passare valori vuoti per tali server. È anche possibile ometterli se si configura un runtime di integrazione self-hosted come proxy per il runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS per accedere ai dati in locale. In caso contrario, non è possibile ometterli e devono passare valori validi dalla configurazione della rete virtuale. Per altre informazioni, vedere Aggiungere un runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS a una rete virtuale.
Se si usa l'istanza gestita per ospitare SSISDB, è possibile omettere il CatalogPricingTier
parametro o passare un valore vuoto. In caso contrario, non è possibile ometterlo e deve passare un valore valido dall'elenco dei piani tariffari supportati per database SQL di Azure. Per altre informazioni, vedere database SQL limiti delle risorse.
Se si usa l'autenticazione di Microsoft Entra con l'identità gestita assegnata dal sistema o dall'utente specificata per la data factory per connettersi al server di database, è possibile omettere il CatalogAdminCredential
parametro . È tuttavia necessario aggiungere l'identità gestita assegnata dal sistema o dall'utente specificata per la data factory in un gruppo Microsoft Entra con autorizzazioni di accesso al server di database. Per altre informazioni, vedere Abilitare l'autenticazione di Microsoft Entra per un runtime di integrazione SSIS di Azure. In caso contrario, non è possibile ometterlo e deve passare un oggetto valido formato dal nome utente e dalla password dell'amministratore del server per l'autenticazione SQL.
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-Description $AzureSSISDescription `
-Type Managed `
-Location $AzureSSISLocation `
-NodeSize $AzureSSISNodeSize `
-NodeCount $AzureSSISNodeNumber `
-Edition $AzureSSISEdition `
-LicenseType $AzureSSISLicenseType `
-MaxParallelExecutionsPerNode $AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode `
-SubnetId $SubnetId `
-VNetInjectionMethod $VnetInjectionMethod
# Add the CatalogServerEndpoint, CatalogPricingTier, and CatalogAdminCredential parameters if you use SSISDB
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogServerEndpoint $SSISDBServerEndpoint `
-CatalogPricingTier $SSISDBPricingTier
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword)) # Add the CatalogAdminCredential parameter if you don't use Azure AD authentication
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $SSISDBServerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$serverCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($SSISDBServerAdminUserName, $secpasswd)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogAdminCredential $serverCreds
# Add custom setup parameters if you use standard/express custom setups
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-SetupScriptContainerSasUri $SetupScriptContainerSasUri
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "RunCmdkey")
$addCmdkeyArgument = "YourFileShareServerName or"
$userCmdkeyArgument = "YourDomainName\YourUsername or azure\YourAzureStorageAccountName"
$passCmdkeyArgument = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourPassword or YourAccessKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.CmdkeySetup($addCmdkeyArgument, $userCmdkeyArgument, $passCmdkeyArgument)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SetEnvironmentVariable")
$variableName = "YourVariableName"
$variableValue = "YourVariableValue"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.EnvironmentVariableSetup($variableName, $variableValue)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "InstallAzurePowerShell")
$moduleVersion = "YourAzModuleVersion"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzPowerShellSetup($moduleVersion)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SentryOne.TaskFactory")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.HEDDA.IO")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "Theobald.XtractIS")
$jsonData = Get-Content -Raw -Path YourLicenseFile.json
$jsonData = $jsonData -replace '\s',''
$jsonData = $jsonData.replace('"','\"')
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString($jsonData)
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "AecorSoft.IntegrationService")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Standard")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Extended")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
# Create an array of one or more express custom setups
$setups = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-ExpressCustomSetup $setups
# Add self-hosted integration runtime parameters if you configure a proxy for on-premises data access
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName))
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName $DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName `
-DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName $DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyStagingPath $DataProxyStagingPath
# Add public IP address parameters if you use the standard virtual network injection method and bring your own static public IP addresses
if($VnetInjectionMethod -eq "Standard")
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FirstPublicIP) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecondPublicIP))
$publicIPs = @($FirstPublicIP, $SecondPublicIP)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-PublicIPs $publicIPs
Avviare il runtime di integrazione
Eseguire i comandi seguenti per avviare Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime.
write-host("##### Starting #####")
Start-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
write-host("##### Completed #####")
write-host("If any cmdlet is unsuccessful, please consider using -Debug option for diagnostics.")
Ad eccezione del tempo richiesto per un'eventuale configurazione personalizzata, questo processo verrà completato entro 5 minuti. Tuttavia, potrebbero essere necessari 20-30 minuti perché il runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS unisce una rete virtuale con il metodo di inserimento standard.
Se si usa SSISDB, il servizio Data Factory si connetterà al server di database per la preparazione di SSISDB. Configura anche le autorizzazioni e le impostazioni per la rete virtuale, se specificato, e aggiunge il runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS alla rete virtuale.
Quando si effettua il provisioning di Azure-SSIS IR, vengono installati anche il Feature Pack di Azure per SSIS e Access Redistributable. Questi componenti forniscono la connettività ai file di Excel e di Access e a diverse origini dati di Azure, oltre che alle origini dati già supportate dai componenti predefiniti. Per altre informazioni sui componenti predefiniti/preinstallati, vedere Componenti predefiniti e preinstallati in Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime. Per altre informazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi che è possibile installare, vedere Configurazioni personalizzate per Azure-SSIS IR.
Script completo
Ecco lo script completo che crea un runtime di integrazione SSIS di Azure.
### Azure Data Factory info
# If your input contains a PSH special character like "$", precede it with the escape character "`" - for example, "`$"
$SubscriptionName = "[your Azure subscription name]"
$ResourceGroupName = "[your Azure resource group name]"
# Data factory name - must be globally unique
$DataFactoryName = "[your data factory name]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$DataFactoryLocation = "EastUS"
### Azure-SSIS integration runtime info - This is a Data Factory compute resource for running SSIS packages.
$AzureSSISName = "[your Azure-SSIS IR name]"
$AzureSSISDescription = "[your Azure-SSIS IR description]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$AzureSSISLocation = "EastUS"
# For supported node sizes, see
$AzureSSISNodeSize = "Standard_D8_v3"
# 1-10 nodes are currently supported
$AzureSSISNodeNumber = 2
# Azure-SSIS IR edition/license info: Standard or Enterprise
$AzureSSISEdition = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Enterprise lets you use advanced features on your Azure-SSIS IR
# Azure-SSIS IR hybrid usage info: LicenseIncluded or BasePrice
$AzureSSISLicenseType = "LicenseIncluded" # LicenseIncluded by default, whereas BasePrice lets you bring your own on-premises SQL Server license with Software Assurance to earn cost savings from the Azure Hybrid Benefit option
# For a Standard_D1_v2 node, up to four parallel executions per node are supported. For other nodes, up to (2 x number of cores) are currently supported.
$AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode = 8
# Custom setup info: Standard/express custom setups
$SetupScriptContainerSasUri = "" # OPTIONAL to provide a SAS URI of blob container for standard custom setup where your script and its associated files are stored
$ExpressCustomSetup = "[RunCmdkey|SetEnvironmentVariable|InstallAzurePowerShell|SentryOne.TaskFactory|oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET|oh22is.HEDDA.IO|KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit|KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack|Theobald.XtractIS|AecorSoft.IntegrationService|CData.Standard|CData.Extended or leave it empty]" # OPTIONAL to configure an express custom setup without script
# Virtual network info: Azure Resource Manager or Classic
$VnetId = "[your virtual network resource ID or leave it empty]" # REQUIRED if you use Azure SQL Database server configured with a private endpoint/IP firewall rule/virtual network service endpoint or Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network to host SSISDB, or if you require access to on-premises data without configuring a self-hosted IR. We recommend Azure Resource Manager virtual network, because classic virtual network will be deprecated soon.
$SubnetName = "[your subnet name or leave it empty]" # WARNING: Use the same subnet as the one used for Azure SQL Database server configured with a virtual network service endpoint or a different subnet from the one used for Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network
$SubnetId = $VnetId + '/subnets/' + $SubnetName
# Virtual network injection method: Standard or Express. For comparison, see
$VnetInjectionMethod = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Express lets you use the express virtual network injection method
# Public IP address info: OPTIONAL to provide two standard static public IP addresses with DNS name under the same subscription and in the same region as your virtual network
$FirstPublicIP = "[your first public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
$SecondPublicIP = "[your second public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
### SSISDB info
$SSISDBServerEndpoint = "[your Azure SQL Database server or managed instance name.DNS or managed instance name.public.DNS,3342 or leave it empty if you do not use SSISDB]" # WARNING: If you use SSISDB, ensure that there's no existing SSISDB on your database server, so we can prepare and manage one on your behalf
# Authentication info: SQL or Azure AD
$SSISDBServerAdminUserName = "[your server admin username for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
$SSISDBServerAdminPassword = "[your server admin password for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
# For the basic pricing tier, specify "Basic," not "B." For standard, premium, and elastic pool tiers, specify "S0," "S1," "S2," "S3," etc. See
$SSISDBPricingTier = "[Basic|S0|S1|S2|S3|S4|S6|S7|S9|S12|P1|P2|P4|P6|P11|P15|…|ELASTIC_POOL(name = <elastic_pool_name>) for Azure SQL Database server or leave it empty for managed instance]"
### Self-hosted integration runtime info - This can be configured as a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingPath = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
### Sign in and select a subscription
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
### Validate the connection to the database server
# Validate only if you use SSISDB and don't use a virtual network or Azure AD authentication
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword))
$SSISDBConnectionString = "Data Source=" + $SSISDBServerEndpoint + ";User ID=" + $SSISDBServerAdminUserName + ";Password=" + $SSISDBServerAdminPassword
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SSISDBConnectionString;
Catch [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]
Write-Warning "Cannot connect to your Azure SQL Database server, exception: $_";
Write-Warning "Please make sure the server you specified has already been created. Do you want to proceed? [Y/N]"
$yn = Read-Host
if(!($yn -ieq "Y"))
### Configure a virtual network
# Make sure to run this script against the subscription to which the virtual network belongs
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
# Register to the Azure Batch resource provider
$BatchObjectId = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $BatchApplicationId).Id
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Batch
while(!(Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Batch").RegistrationState.Contains("Registered"))
Start-Sleep -s 10
if($VnetId -match "/providers/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/")
# Assign the VM contributor role to Microsoft.Batch
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $BatchObjectId -RoleDefinitionName "Classic Virtual Machine Contributor" -Scope $VnetId
### Create a data factory
Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $DataFactoryLocation `
-Name $DataFactoryName
### Create an integration runtime
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-Description $AzureSSISDescription `
-Type Managed `
-Location $AzureSSISLocation `
-NodeSize $AzureSSISNodeSize `
-NodeCount $AzureSSISNodeNumber `
-Edition $AzureSSISEdition `
-LicenseType $AzureSSISLicenseType `
-MaxParallelExecutionsPerNode $AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode `
-SubnetId $SubnetId `
-VNetInjectionMethod $VnetInjectionMethod
# Add CatalogServerEndpoint, CatalogPricingTier, and CatalogAdminCredential parameters if you use SSISDB
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogServerEndpoint $SSISDBServerEndpoint `
-CatalogPricingTier $SSISDBPricingTier
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword)) # Add the CatalogAdminCredential parameter if you don't use Azure AD authentication
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $SSISDBServerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$serverCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($SSISDBServerAdminUserName, $secpasswd)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogAdminCredential $serverCreds
# Add custom setup parameters if you use standard/express custom setups
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-SetupScriptContainerSasUri $SetupScriptContainerSasUri
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "RunCmdkey")
$addCmdkeyArgument = "YourFileShareServerName or"
$userCmdkeyArgument = "YourDomainName\YourUsername or azure\YourAzureStorageAccountName"
$passCmdkeyArgument = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourPassword or YourAccessKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.CmdkeySetup($addCmdkeyArgument, $userCmdkeyArgument, $passCmdkeyArgument)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SetEnvironmentVariable")
$variableName = "YourVariableName"
$variableValue = "YourVariableValue"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.EnvironmentVariableSetup($variableName, $variableValue)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "InstallAzurePowerShell")
$moduleVersion = "YourAzModuleVersion"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzPowerShellSetup($moduleVersion)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SentryOne.TaskFactory")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.HEDDA.IO")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "Theobald.XtractIS")
$jsonData = Get-Content -Raw -Path YourLicenseFile.json
$jsonData = $jsonData -replace '\s',''
$jsonData = $jsonData.replace('"','\"')
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString($jsonData)
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "AecorSoft.IntegrationService")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Standard")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Extended")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
# Create an array of one or more express custom setups
$setups = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-ExpressCustomSetup $setups
# Add self-hosted integration runtime parameters if you configure a proxy for on-premises data access
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName))
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName $DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName `
-DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName $DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyStagingPath $DataProxyStagingPath
# Add public IP address parameters if you use the standard virtual network injection method and bring your own static public IP addresses
if($VnetInjectionMethod -eq "Standard")
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FirstPublicIP) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecondPublicIP))
$publicIPs = @($FirstPublicIP, $SecondPublicIP)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-PublicIPs $publicIPs
### Start the integration runtime
write-host("##### Starting #####")
Start-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
write-host("##### Completed #####")
write-host("If any cmdlet is unsuccessful, please consider using -Debug option for diagnostics.")
Contenuto correlato
- Creare un runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS tramite portale di Azure.
- Creare un runtime di integrazione Azure-SSIS tramite un modello di Azure Resource Manager.
- Distribuire ed eseguire i pacchetti SSIS in Azure-SSIS IR.
Per altre informazioni su Azure-SSIS IR, vedere gli articoli seguenti:
- Azure-SSIS IR. Questo articolo fornisce informazioni concettuali generali sugli IR, incluso Azure-SSIS IR.
- Monitorare un runtime di integrazione SSIS di Azure. Questo articolo illustra come recuperare e comprendere le informazioni su Azure-SSIS IR.
- Gestire un runtime di integrazione SSIS di Azure. In questo articolo viene illustrato come arrestare, avviare o rimuovere Azure-SSIS IR. Viene anche illustrato come aumentare il numero di istanze per Azure-SSIS IR tramite l'aggiunta di nodi.
- Distribuire ed eseguire un pacchetto di SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) in Azure
- Connettersi al catalogo SSIS (SSISDB) in Azure
- Connettersi agli archivi dati locali con autenticazione di Windows
- Pianificare l'esecuzione dei pacchetti SSIS in Azure