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Splits service troubleshooting

This page explains error messages and common issues that may occur when using the Splits Service.

Error messages

This table lists common error messages and their meanings.

Error Message Fix
Splits are missing allocation_percent:[Split-Name] One of the individual splits is missing an allocation percentage. Make sure all splits have allocation percentages and the sum of the allocation percentages is 100.
Splits should sum to 100 but summed to:XX The sum of the allocations for all splits must equal 100. Modify the allocation_percent for the splits.
"splits" at position 1 fails because [child "allocation_strategy" fails because ["allocation_strategy" must be one of [unconstrained, constrained]]]" At least one split has no allocation strategy set. Make sure each split has an allocation_strategy equal to "constrained" or "unconstrained".
"child "Default Split" fails because [child "allocation_strategy" fails because ["allocation_strategy" must be one of[unconstrained]]] The allocation strategy for the default split must be "unconstrained".
There should be exactly 1 active split with is_default =true Make sure the budget_splitter array contains one active default split (whose name is “Default” or “default”) and which has is_default set to “True”. This marks the line item remainder split.
child "Default Split" fails because child "bid_modifier" fails because "bid_modifier" must be one of [1, null] The bid modifier for the default split must be set to either 1 or null. When revenue type is CPM and optimization is disabled, the bid modifier should be 1. For all other booked revenue and optimization combinations, the bid modifier should be set to null.
child "Default Split" fails because child "conditions" fails because "conditions" is not allowed The default split may not have any conditions. Remove any conditions specified for the default split in your JSON. The default split must be the last split in the budget-splitter array.
The default split must be the last split in the splits array The default split must be the last split in the budget-splitter array.
child "Default Split" fails [because child "name" fails [because "name" must be one of [Default, default]]] The default split must be named "Default" or "default".
Splits have duplicate orders: "Split 1" has order 1 and "Split 2" has order 1 and "Default" has order 1" Each split must have a unique priority (order value).
"order" is required At least one split does not have a priority assigned. Assign a value to order for all splits.
Duplicate campaign IDs found Currently, your budget-splitter array assigns the same ID to more than one split. Split IDs must be unique.
An inactive split cannot have an allocation_percent An inactive split cannot have an allocation percentage greater than 0 even if the allocations for all the active splits equals 100. Explicitly set any inactive splits to 0.
"operator" must be one of[any, not_any, every, not_every],"value" must be an array If you use the operators "in" or "not_in" in a condition, the value must be an array.
"Payload" must contain at least 2 items You are trying to set up a budget-splitter object containing only one split. The budget-splitter must contain two or more splits, including the default split.
"You cannot supply both expected_value and bid_modifier for splits" You can only supply either an expected value or a bid modifier on a split. The required setup depends on the combination of the ALI booked revenue and optimization, as detailed below.
"operator" must be one of [in, not_in, all, not_all]" You are using an invalid operator for the device_type condition.
An internal server error occurred This error can mean multiple things. Some possibilities to check are:
- You are trying to create splits for a line item which already has a custom model attached. Line items cannot have both splits and custom models. Remove the custom model before creating the splits.
- You are trying to set the default split as active with an allocation percentage of 100 and set all other splits as inactive. The default split cannot be the only active split.
Invalid request payload JSON format This error can mean multiple things. Some possibilities to check out are:
- You have more than one split defined as the default split. Make sure only one split has the name "Default" or "default" and has is_default set to "true".
- You are using the operator “in” or “not_in” and have not included the value/s in an array. Make sure that arrays are user for certain conditions and value/s are listed inside square brackets ([]).
- You have failed to enclose a string value inside quotation marks ("").

Booked revenue, optimization, and bid modifiers/expected value

This table describes all the functional combinations of booked revenue + optimization + inclusion of bid modifiers/expected values on splits.

ALI Booked Revenue Optimization Set Bid Modifiers/EVs on Splits?
Cost Plus Yes Neither
Cost Plus No EVs
CPM Yes Neither
CPM No Bid Modifiers
CPC Required Neither
dCPM Yes Neither
vCPM Required Neither

Frequently asked questions

How do I include multiple conditions in a split?

The correct way to do this is to include multiple conditions inside a single conditions array:

"conditions": [
                "field": "browser",
                "operator": "in",
                "value": [
                "field": "country",
                "operator": "in",
                "value": [

It is incorrect to include multiple conditions inside a single budget-splitter array. In the following example, the API call will run, but only the first conditions array will be used in the split's targeting. The second conditions array will be ignored.

"conditions": [
                "field": "browser",
                "operator": "in",
                "value": [
        "conditions": [
                "field": "country",
                "operator": "in",
                "value": [

Can I include decimal points in allocation percentages?

Yes, as long as the sum of all allocation percentages is 100.

If I do not include allocation perceptions in the API call, what happens?

The line item will spend as normal and the splits targeting will be used for reporting only.

Splits Service