Partager via

Long Form Video service

Direct Supply customers can integrate their app or web long-form ad pod video inventory with Prebid Server Premium (PSP) using the /prebid/lfv endpoint. Long-form video durations are at least 30 minutes with potential pre, mid, and post-roll positions.

Microsoft Monetize Ad Server customers do not need to change their current integration into Microsoft Monetize, can ignore the long-form video service, and can instead follow the PSP Setup Steps.

Request and response process

The following steps outline the long-form video request and response process:

  1. Publishers submit a long-form video request to Microsoft Monetize's Impression Bus (ImpBus) via the /prebid/lfv endpoint. This request contains POST values for the ad pod such as ad duration, video width and height, and optional properties such as brand category for competitive separation.
  2. ImpBus unpacks the request and determines the number of ad slots to fill within the ad pod.
  3. The configurations from Monetize are retrieved and an OpenRTB request with the requested number of ad slots is created by ImpBus.
  4. ImpBus submits the OpenRTB request to all Microsoft Monetize bidders, including PSP demand partners and Microsoft Invest
    1. The Prebid demand partners return bids, each with a unique IAB subcategory.
    2. Microsoft Invest and external bidders have a unique Microsoft Monetize brand category associated with every bid which are converted to an IAB subcategory. For more information, see Adserver Category Mapping Service.
  5. ImpBus runs the auction for the Microsoft Monetize marketplace to determine the winning Microsoft Monetize bid.
  6. Based on the publisher and ad server configuration retrieved in step three, ImpBus translates the IAB subcategories to the primary ad server categories (Freewheel or Google Ad Manager). For more information, see Adserver Category Mapping Service.
    1. For Microsoft Monetize bids, ImpBus will translate from the Microsoft Monetize category to the IAB subcategory and finally to the primary ad server category.
  7. The bids are deduped based on the tuple values for price bucket, primary ad server category, and duration.
  8. For each unique bid, ImpBus caches the unique VAST XML.
  9. Key-value targeting pairs are generated for each bid for hb_pb, hb_pb_cat_dur, and hb_cache_id.
  10. ImpBus returns a JSON response with Prebid targeting key-value pairs and the cache id.

Diagram that illustrates the request and response process.


The following table list the required and optional parameters for submitting a long-form video bid request.

Parameter Scope Type Description
app Required Object Container object describing the app that will display the ad pod(s). If app is not included in the request then the site parameter must be.
auction_timeout_ms Optional Integer Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the auction to complete. Defaults to zero if not given which uses the timeout setting from the member's Prebid Server Premium Global Settings.
bcat Optional String Array Blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories.
badv Optional String Array Blocked list of advertisers by their domains (e.g., "").
cacheconfig Optional Object Optional controls to have Prebid Server cache information.
content Optional Object Container object describing miscellaneous content metadata that can be used for targeting the adPod(s).
cur Optional String Default: USD. Allowed currency for targeting keys on this bid request using ISO-4217 alpha codes.
device Optional Object Container object describing the device being used for video rendering.
eids Optional Object The list of unified user IDs.
gpid Optional String Global Placement ID. A unique identifier for the ad slot across platforms. For more information on the Prebid Ad Slot and GPID, see the Prebid documentation.
includebrandcategory Optional Object Container object describing brand category inputs.
memberid Optional (Required if using inventory codes) Integer The seller's member id.
podconfig Required Object Container object for describing all the pod configurations. For more information on the pod object, see the Pod Config section below.
pricegranularity Optional (recommended) Object For more information on the pricegranualrity object see the Price Granularity section below. For a broader explanation on setting pricegranularity, see the Prebid documentation.
site Required Object Container object describing the page submitting the adpodrequest. If site is not included then the app parameter must be.
user Optional Object Container object describing the user of the device.
video Optional Object Container object describing the video player.
xdyn_params Optional Object This object holds bidder-specific parameters such that each key is a bidder name and the value is a JSON object containing parameters for that bidder. See example.

xdyn_params example

  "xdyn_params": {
    "appnexus": {
      "keywords": "key1=val1,key2=val2"


The app object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
domain Required String The domain of the app.
name Optional String The name of the app.
bundle Optional String A platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange. This should be a bundle or package name (e.g.,
keywords Optional String Comma separated list of keywords.
storeurl Optional String App store URL for an installed app.

Cache config

The cache config object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
ttl Optional Integer Time to live for a cache entry specified in seconds.
disablecache Optional Boolean The default setting is false. If this flag is set, the PBS cache is disabled and the responsibility of caching is on the publisher or publisher's vendor.


The content object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
album Optional String Album to which the content belongs; typically for audio.
artist Optional String Artist credited with the content.
airtime Optional Integer The date and time at which the content first aired.
cat Optional String Array Array of IAB content categories that describe the content producer. Refer to IAB specifications.
channel Optional String Name of the channel the content is airing on.
contentrating Optional String Content rating (e.g., MPAA).
context Optional Integer Type of content (game, video, text, etc.). Refer to IAB specifications.
data Optional Object Array Additional content data. Each Data object represents a different data source. Refer to IAB specifications.
embeddable Optional Boolean Indicator of whether or not the content is embeddable (e.g. an embeddable video player), where false = no, true = yes.
episode Optional Integer Episode number.
ext Optional Object Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.
genre Optional String Genre that best describes the content (e.g., rock, pop, etc).
id Optional String ID uniquely identifying the content.
isrc Optional String International Standard Recording Code conforming to ISO-3901.
keywords Optional String Comma separated list of keywords describing the content.
language Optional String Content language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2.
len Optional Integer Length of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audio.
livestream Optional Boolean true = live, false = not live (e.g., stream, live log).
network Optional String The top-level parent company or, where relevant, a sub-brand which owns multiple TV-like channels, d2c content brands, or digital properties on which the content is being viewed.
prodq Optional Integer Production quality. Refer to IAB specifications.
producer Optional Object Details about the content producer. Refer to IAB specifications.
qagmediarating Optional Integer Media rating per IQG guidelines. Refer to IAB specifications.
season Optional String Content season (e.g., "Season 3").
series Optional String Video Examples: "The Office" (television), "Star Wars" (movie), or "Arby 'N' The Chief" (made for web).
Non-Video Example: "Ecocentric" (Time Magazine blog).
sourcerelationship Optional Integer 0 = indirect, 1 = direct.
title Optional String Content title.
Video Examples: "Search Committee" (television), "A New Hope" (movie), or "Endgame" (made for web).
Non-Video Example: "Why an Antarctic Glacier is Melting So Quickly" (Time magazine article).
url Optional String URL of the content, for buy-side contextualization or review.
userrating Optional String User rating of the content (e.g., number of stars, likes, etc.).
videoquality Optional integer; DEPRECATED Note: Deprecated in favor of prodq. Video quality. Refer to IAB specifications.
program_type Optional String Type of program.


The device object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
ua Optional String The browser user agent.
dnt Optional Integer The standard “Do Not Track” flag as set in the header by the browser. Accepted values are:
- 0. Tracking is unrestricted.
- 1. Do not track.
lmt Optional Integer The “Limit Ad Tracking” signal for mobile devices (e.g., iOS, Android). Accepted values are:
- 0. Tracking is unrestricted.
- 1. Tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines.
ip Optional String The IP address of the device making the ad request.
os Optional String The device operating system. Example "iOS".
h Optional Integer The physical height of the screen in pixels.
w Optional Integer The physical width of the screen in pixels.
devicetype Optional Integer The general type of device. Accepted values are:
- Mobile/Tablet
- Personal Computer
- Connected TV
- Phone
- Tablet
- Connected Device
- Set Top Box
ifa Optional String The ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (i.e., not hashed).
didsha1 Optional String The hardware device ID (e.g., IMEI); hashed via SHA1.
didmd5 Optional String The hardware device ID (e.g., IMEI); hashed via MD5.
dpidsha1 Optional String The platform device ID (e.g., Android ID); hashed via SHA1.
dpidmd5 Optional String The platform device ID (e.g., Android ID); hashed via MD5.
macsha1 Optional String The MAC address of the device; hashed via SHA1.
macmd5 Optional String The MAC address of the device; hashed via MD5.


The eid object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
source Required String The source or technology provider.
id Required String The unique user ID.
rti_partner Required String The partner ID.

Include brand category

The includebrandcategory object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
primaryadserver Optional Integer An integer whose value represents the ad server used by the publisher. Accepted values are:
- Freewheel
- Google Ad Manager


The site object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
page Required String A URL of the page where the impression will be displayed.
keywords Optional String Comma separated list of keywords.


The user object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
buyeruid Optional Integer The Microsoft Monetize user ID, if known.
yob Optional Integer The user's year of birth as a four-digit integer.
gender Optional Integer The user's gender. Accepted values are:
- M: male
- F: female
- O: Known to be other.
keywords Optional String A list of keywords representing interests or intent.
gdpr Optional Object Container object describing the user's GDPR settings. For more information see the GDPR section below.
privacy Optional String CCPA user privacy string.


The video object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
context Optional Integer Context in which the video ad will be shown.
- 0: Unknown
- 1: Preroll
- 2: Midroll
- 3: Postroll
- 4: Outstream
- 5: In Banner
w Optional Integer The width of the video player in device independent pixels.
h Optional Integer The height of the video player in device independent pixels.
mimes Optional String Array An array of video player supported mime types. Example: ["video/mp4"]
protocols Optional String Array An array of video protocols supported by the video player. Accepted video protocols are:
- VAST 1.0
- VAST 2.0
- VAST 3.0
- VAST 1.0 Wrapper
- VAST 2.0 Wrapper
- VAST 3.0 Wrapper
- VAST 4.0
- VAST 4.0 Wrapper
- DAAST 1.0
- DAAST 1.0 Wrapper


The pod object supports the following request parameters.

Parameeter Scope Type Description
podid Required Integer Unique id of the pod within a particular request. It is recommended these be ordered sequentially with an increment of one.
adpoddurationsec Required Integer The duration of the adPod.
placementid Required Integer Placement ID that a pod relates to. If placementid is omitted then invcode and request.memberid are required.
invcode Optional String Inventory code that a pod relates to. If the invcode is passed in, then the seller must also pass in their member ID in request.memberid.
If invcode is omitted then placementid is required.

Pod config

The pod config object supports the following request parameters.

Parameter Scope Type Description
adomaindedupe Optional Boolean Flag that indicates whether or not to deduplicate based on advertiser domain (adomain value in OpenRTB bid responses). When enabled, no two selected bids can have the same advertiser domain.
perpodkeys Optional Boolean Flag indicating if key-values in response should be configured for per-pod competitive separation. Defaults to false. When this flag is enabled, a _podX identifier is added to the key names returned, where X starts at 1 and increase by 1 for each subsequent pod.
Each pod has a different hb_cache_id value that its bids are cached with, allowing for identical hb_pb_cat_dur values to be returned as long as they occur in different pods. Adds instance ids to the value to allow similar bids to be returned even in same pods. Instance ids on the values will be a postfix of _pX where X starts at 0 and increase by 1 for each subsequent identical bid. For Example, With perpodkeys flag enabled, a hb_pb_cat_dur key and value that would normally look like: "hb_pb_cat_dur": "15.00_airlines_30s"
Will instead look like:
"hb_pb_cat_dur_pod1": "15.00_airlines_30s_p0"
pods Required Object Container object for describing the adPod(s) to be requested.
durationrangesec Required Integer Range of ad durations allowed in the response. For more detail on duration range, see Duration Range section below.
requireexactduration Optional Boolean Flag indicating if submitted ads must meet the exact duration requirement. The default setting is false.

Duration range

The podconfig.durationrangesec is an array of integers representing the ad slot durations within the ad pod:

podconfig.durationrangesec = [15, 30];


If requireexactduration is set to false, then the ad's duration will be rounded up to the closest value in the durationrangesec array. The minimum bid duration is zero. Using the setting above, a 10-second bid would be rounded to fifteen seconds and an 18-second bid rounded to thirty.

If requireexactduration is set to true, then only the ads that are the exact duration match to the durationrangesec array will be allowed. Again, using the example above, an ad submitted with a duration of fifteen seconds would be allowed, whereas an ad submitted with an 18-second duration would be rejected.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is a data privacy law enacted by the European Union. The goal of GDPR is to provide more stringent data privacy and security measures and more user-friendly disclosures and reporting on data protection practices.

Parameter Scope Type Description
user.gdpr Optional Object Container object describing the GDPR settings.
gdpr.consentrequired Optional Boolean Flag indicating if GDPR is in effect.
gdpr.consentstring Optional String A string, comprised of a series of numbers, which identifies the consent status of an ad tech vendor.

Price granularity

Parameter Scope Type Description
precision Optional Integer If precision is omitted, it will default to. See Prebid documentation.
ranges Optional Object Container object describing the price granularity range.

Price granularity ranges

Patameter Scope Type Description
max Optional Float The maximum length of the range.
increment Optional Float The amount to increment through the range.


Demand partners returns a response to the ad pod bid request in JSON format.

Ad pod

Parameter Type Description
adpods Object Container object describing the Prebid demand partner responses for each ad pod sent in the original request.
adpods[...].podid Integer The id of the corresponding ad pod.
adpods[...].targeting Object Container object describing the prebid demand partner bids for this pod translated into targeting keys. For more detail on the adpods.targeting object, see the table below.

Ad pod targeting

Parameter Type Description
hb_deal String Deal code or external deal id from the associated bid. Omitted if this bid is not associated with a deal.
hb_pb String The price bucket targeting key. The price bucketing model is defined by the pricegranularity from the request and configuration. The price bucket targeting key-value represents the rounded bid price.
hb_pb_cat_dur String The value of this key represents the concatenation of three values, the price bucket (), the creative category code, and the duration of the video creative.
For example:

This would indicate a price bucket of $12.00 (if the currency was in US dollars), a category code of 135 (in the primary ad server's domain, such as Freewheel or Google Ad Manager), and a duration of thirty seconds.

Note: This key-value must be unique across all bids corresponding to its corresponding ad pod. If there are two identical hb_pb_cat_dur values, ImpBus will eliminate one of the bids.
hb_cache_id String The Prebid cache id. This value maps to the rendered video content.

This key-value must be unique across all bids across all pods in a single request. The actual creative cache key will be a concatenation of this value and hb_pb_cat_dur. Since hb_pb_cat_dur must be unique across all bids this guarantees that the actual creative cache key will be unique. The actual cache key will be created using macros, as illustrated below:
${ hb_pb_cat_dur }_${ hb_cache_id }

The hb_cache_id value will be the same for every entry in targeting[...] in a single response.
hb_cache_host String The host name of the cache where the creative associated with this bid is stored.


Code example

curl -X "POST" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 

      "ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2",
      "userrating":"4/5 recommended",
                  "name":"repeat viewers",

PSP supported formats and integration paths