Partager via

Deal Buyer Setting service

The Deal Buyer Setting Service lets buyers give deals an internal alias for clarity in the UI and assign a status to deals so buyers have more control over which deals they’re targeting. Note that these deal settings are only available to the buyers who created them and are not visible to the seller of the deal.


Buyers can use the Deal Buyer Access Saervice to view the deals available to them and the deal_targetsfield in the Profile Service to target them. Sellers can use the Deal Service to set up and manage deals.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET View all of your deal settings.
GET View a specific deal setting.
GET View the settings for a specific deal.
GET,2,3 View multiple deal settings by ID using a comma-separated list.
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by.
POST Add settings for a deal.
PUT Modify settings for a deal.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
acceptance_status string The status of the deal:
- active
- inactive
- declined
- pending

Note: pending status is not allowed in a PUT request

Default: The default for this field depends on the value of the member.default_accept_deals field (see Member Service). If member.default_accept_deals is true, the default for acceptance_status is active; if member.default_accept_deals is false, the default for acceptance_status is pending.
buyer_bidder_id int The bidder ID of the member. For buyers, this will always be 2.

Read Only
Default: null
buyer_member_id int The ID of the member who can buy the deal. A deal will either be set up with a buyer member ID or a buyer seat code. This is your Xandr member ID.

Read Only
buyer_seat_code string The code of the buyer seat who can buy the deal. A deal will either be set up with a buyer member ID or a buyer seat code. This is your Xandr member ID.

Read Only
Default: null
comments string (65534) Not yet being used by the UI. The custom comments to display in the UI for the deal.

Default: null
deal_id int The ID of the deal to which the settings apply.

Required On: POST
deal_alias string (254) The alias of the deal, as it will appear in the UI.
Default: null
id int The ID of the deal settings

Required On: PUT
Default: auto-incremented number.


Add deal setting

If a deal-buyer-setting object has already been created for the deal, the POST request will return the following error message: "The buyer_member_id, deal_id combination was not unique." To modify this deal-buyer-setting, first make a GET request to return the deal-buyer-setting ID. Then use the deal-buyer-setting ID with a PUT request to modify the deal-buyer-setting.

$ cat deal_settings.json
    "deal-buyer-setting": {
        "deal_id": 22896,
        "deal_alias": "This is an alias",
        "comments": "this is a comment on a deal",
        "acceptance_status": "active"

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @deal_settings.json ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": "12005",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal-buyer-setting": {
            "id": 12005,
            "deal_id": 22896,
            "deal_alias": "This is an alias",
            "comments": "this is a comment on a deal",
            "buyer_member_id": 546,
            "acceptance_status": "active"

Modify deal settings

$ cat deal_settings_update.json
    "deal-buyer-setting": {
        "deal_alias": "new deal alias"

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @deal_settings_update.json ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": "11777",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal-buyer-setting": {
            "id": 11777,
            "deal_id": 560402,
            "deal_alias": "new deal alias",
            "comments": null,
            "buyer_member_id": 546,
            "acceptance_status": "active"

View all of your deal settings

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal-buyer-settings": [
                "id": 9980,
                "deal_id": 558605,
                "deal_alias": null,
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"
                "id": 10950,
                "deal_id": 559575,
                "deal_alias": null,
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"
                "id": 11777,
                "deal_id": 560402,
                "deal_alias": "new deal alias",
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"
                "id": 1802,
                "deal_id": 550427,
                "deal_alias": null,
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"
                "id": 1937,
                "deal_id": 550562,
                "deal_alias": null,
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"

View the settings for a specific deal settings ID

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal-buyer-settings": [
                "id": 11777,
                "deal_id": 560402,
                "deal_alias": "new deal alias",
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"

View the settings for a specific deal ID

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal-buyer-settings": [
                "id": 11777,
                "deal_id": 560402,
                "deal_alias": "new deal alias",
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"

View the settings for multiple deal IDs

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ',559575,558605'

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal-buyer-settings": [
                "id": 9980,
                "deal_id": 558605,
                "deal_alias": null,
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"
                "id": 10950,
                "deal_id": 559575,
                "deal_alias": null,
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"
                "id": 11777,
                "deal_id": 560402,
                "deal_alias": "deal alias",
                "comments": null,
                "buyer_member_id": 546,
                "acceptance_status": "active"