Vérification de la prise en charge du lecteur
L’exemple suivant examine les caractéristiques des périphériques de disque qui sont indépendantes du média inséré dans l’appareil. Plus spécifiquement, il récupère les listes des fonctionnalités prises en charge, des profils pris en charge et des pages de mode pris en charge, ainsi que les paramètres et le profil des fonctionnalités actuels.
' This script examines the burn device characteristics such as
' product ID, product revision level, feature set, and profiles.
' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 2006
Option Explicit
' Constants
Function Main
Dim Index ' Index to recording drive.
Dim Recorder ' Recorder object
Dim Path ' Directory of files to burn
Dim Stream ' Data stream for burning device
Index = 1 ' Second drive on the system
' Create a DiscMaster2 object to connect to CD/DVD drives.
Dim g_DiscMaster
Set g_DiscMaster = WScript.CreateObject("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
' Create a DiscRecorder object for the specified burning device.
Dim uniqueId
set recorder = WScript.CreateObject("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
uniqueId = g_DiscMaster.Item(Index)
recorder.InitializeDiscRecorder( uniqueId )
' *** - Formatting to display recorder info
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------------------------"
Wscript.Echo " ActiveRecorderId: " & recorder.ActiveDiscRecorder
Wscript.Echo " Vendor Id: " & recorder.VendorId
Wscript.Echo " Product Id: " & recorder.ProductId
Wscript.Echo " Product Revision: " & recorder.ProductRevision
Wscript.Echo " VolumeName: " & recorder.VolumeName
Wscript.Echo " Can Load Media: " & recorder.DeviceCanLoadMedia
Wscript.Echo " Device Number: " & recorder.LegacyDeviceNumber
Dim mountPoint
For Each mountPoint In recorder.VolumePathNames
WScript.Echo " Mount Point: " & mountPoint
WScript.Echo "Supported Features" 'in _IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE
Dim supportedFeature
For Each supportedFeature in recorder.SupportedFeaturePages
if supportedFeature = _
WScript.Echo " Feature: " & supportedFeature & _
" Drive supports DVD-RW."
WScript.Echo " Feature: " & supportedFeature
end if
WScript.Echo "Current Features" 'in _IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE
Dim currentFeature
For Each currentFeature in recorder.CurrentFeaturePages
WScript.Echo " Feature: " & currentFeature
WScript.Echo "Supported Profiles" 'in _IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE
Dim supportedProfile
For Each supportedProfile in recorder.SupportedProfiles
WScript.Echo " Profile: " & supportedProfile
WScript.Echo "Current Profiles" 'in _IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE
Dim currentProfile
For Each currentProfile in recorder.CurrentProfiles
WScript.Echo " Profile: " & currentProfile
WScript.Echo "Supported Mode Pages" 'in _IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE
Dim supportedModePage
For Each supportedModePage in recorder.SupportedModePages
WScript.Echo " Mode Page: " & supportedModePage
WScript.Echo "----- Finished content -----"
Main = 0
End Function
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