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Macros Excel pour la gestion des points de connexion de service

Les points de connexion de service peuvent être gérés à l’aide de macros Excel simples.

La macro Excel suivante indique la configuration minimale requise pour la création d’un point de connexion de service.

Option Explicit

Private Sub p_CreateExampleSCP()

    Dim oAdSysInfo As ADSystemInfo
    Set oAdSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
    Dim objComputer As ActiveDs.IADsContainer
    Set objComputer = GetObject("LDAP://" + oAdSysInfo.ComputerName)
    Dim IADsSCP As ActiveDs.IADs
    Set IADsSCP = objComputer.Create("ServiceConnectionPoint", _
                                "CN=Example SCP")
    IADsSCP.PutEx 2, "serviceBindingInformation", _
                    Array( _
                        " - UNC connection to Service", _
                        " - WS-Man connection to service" _
    IADsSCP.PutEx 2, "Keywords", _
                    Array( _
                        "KW1=A kewyrowd value" _

End Sub

La macro Excel suivante montre comment supprimer l’exemple de point de connexion de service.

Option Explicit

Private Sub p_DeleteExampleScp()
    Dim oAdSysInfo As ADSystemInfo
    Set oAdSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
    Dim objComputer As ActiveDs.IADsContainer
    Set objComputer = GetObject("LDAP://" + oAdSysInfo.ComputerName)

    objComputer.Delete "ServiceConnectionPoint", _
                        "CN=Example SCP"

End Sub