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Exemple de programme C : utilisation de CertOIDToAlgId et de CertCompareIntegerBlob

L’exemple suivant illustre l’utilisation des fonctions CertOIDToAlgId et CertCompareIntegerBlob .

Tout d’abord, tous les OID disponibles sont énumérés à l’aide de CryptEnumOIDInfo. Le code utilisé avec cette fonction illustre également l’utilisation d’une fonction de rappel. La fonction de rappel illustre la logique d’interruption de pause entre chaque groupe OID et après avoir présenté des informations sur un nombre défini d’OID.

Deuxièmement, trois chaînes d’identificateur d’objet (OID) sont converties en entiers d’identificateur d’algorithme DWORD à l’aide de CertOIDToAlgId. Le code montre également que toutes les chaînes OID n’ont pas d’identificateurs d’algorithme associés.

Enfin, l’exemple illustre la comparaison des objets blob entiers. Cet exemple montre la troncation des 0x00 de début à partir de nombres positifs et des 0xFF de début de nombres négatifs.

Il montre également que les entiers sont comparés comme s’ils sont stockés sous forme de petit endian avec les chiffres les plus significatifs à droite.

#pragma comment(lib, "crypt32.lib")

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Wincrypt.h>

// Copyright (C) Microsoft.  All rights reserved.
// Declare a wait function to be defined following main.

void my_wait(char *s);

// Callback function to print information
// saved in each CRYPT_OID_INFO structure.
// This function counts the number of lines printed
// and does a wait for each new ground and after any four
// report groups are printed.

static BOOL WINAPI EnumInfoCallback(
     void *pvArg
static int old_oid = 0;
static int break_counter = 0;

if( old_oid < pInfo->dwGroupId)
     if(old_oid > 0)
          my_wait("\n Begin new group. \n Hit enter to continue.");
     old_oid = pInfo->dwGroupId;
     printf("\nNew Group ID %d \n",old_oid);
printf("  OID: %s\n  Name: %S\n",
       pInfo->pszOID, pInfo->pwszName);

// If there is an AlgId, print it.

if( pInfo->Algid > 0)
     printf("  Algorithm ID hexadecimal %x \n\n",pInfo->Algid);

if(++break_counter > 4)
     break_counter = 0;
     my_wait("\n   Hit enter to continue.");
return TRUE;

void main()
// Note: Integer BLOBs are treated as if they
// are stored in little-endian form with the 
// most significant digits on the right. Truncation is 
// therefore from the right.
// Integer BLOBs are also assumed to be signed numbers
// in two's compliment form.
// For negative numbers, 0xFFs on the right are 
// truncated.
// For positive numbers, 0x00s on the right are 
// truncated.

// Declare and initialize local variables.

BYTE BLOB1data[4] = {0x88, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
BYTE BLOB2data[2] = {0x88, 0xFF};
BYTE BLOB3data[4] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
BYTE BLOB4data[2] = {0x01, 0x00};
BYTE BLOB5data[4] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00};

// Enumerate the algorithm OIDs available.
// Note that this one call to the function with
// dwGroupId set to 0 lists all OIDs in all groups. 

    0,                  // use 0 to enumerate the OIDs in all groups
    0,                  // dwFlags
    NULL,               // no additional parameters are to be 
                        // passed to the callback function.
    EnumInfoCallback    // name of the callback function to be 
                        // called for each OID enumerated.
    printf("Enumeration of algorithm OIDs did not complete.\n");

// Use CertOIDToAlgId() to 
// convert the szOID_RSA_RC4 Object Identifier string to an 
// algorithm identifier.

if( Alg_Id = CertOIDToAlgId(szOID_RSA_RC4))
   // Print the Alg_Id returned in hex.
   printf("szOID_RSA_RC4 / %s is %x\n\n",szOID_RSA_RC4, Alg_Id);
   printf("No ALG_ID for OID szOID_RSA_RC4 / %s.\n", szOID_RSA_RC4);

// Convert the szOID_RSA_RC2CBC Object Identifier string to an 
// algorithm identifier.

if( Alg_Id = CertOIDToAlgId(szOID_RSA_RC2CBC))
   // Print the Alg_Id returned in hex.
   printf("szOID_RSA_RC2CBC / %s is %x\n\n",szOID_RSA_RC2CBC, 
   printf("No ALG_ID for szOID_RSA_RC2CBC / %s.\n",szOID_RSA_RC2CBC);

// Convert the szOID_RSA_RC5_CBCPad Object Identifier string to an 
// algorithm identifier.

if( Alg_Id = CertOIDToAlgId(szOID_RSA_RC5_CBCPad))
   // Print the Alg_Id returned in hex.
   printf("szOID_RSA_RC5_CBCPad / %s is %x\n",szOID_RSA_RC5_CBCPad, 
    printf("No ALG_ID for szOID_RSA_RC5_CBCPad: %s.\n",

// Initialize Int1 and Int2. 

Int1.pbData = (BYTE*)&BLOB1data;
Int2.pbData = (BYTE*)&BLOB2data;

// Set the cbData members so that only 
// the leftmost two bytes of the 
// first are compared to the leftmost bytes 
// of the second.

Int1.cbData = 4;  // sizeof(BLOB1data);
Int2.cbData = 2;  // sizeof(BLOB2data);

if( CertCompareIntegerBlob(
   printf("The first two bytes of the BLOBs are identical.\n");
   printf("The first two bytes BLOBs are not identical.\n");

// Reset the cbData members to compare only 
// 1 byte from each.


if( CertCompareIntegerBlob(
    printf("The BLOBs of different length are identical.\n");
    printf("The BLOBs of different length are not identical.\n");

// Reset to check the positive numbers.

Int1.cbData = 4;
Int2.cbData = 2;
Int1.pbData = BLOB3data;
Int2.pbData = BLOB4data;

if( CertCompareIntegerBlob(
   printf("The BLOBs 3 and 4 are identical.\n");
   printf("The BLOBs 3 and 4 are not identical.\n");

// Compare BLOB 1 and BLOB 3.

Int1.cbData = 4;
Int2.cbData = 4;
Int1.pbData = BLOB1data;
Int2.pbData = BLOB3data;

if( CertCompareIntegerBlob(
   printf("BLOBs 1 and 3 are identical.\n");
   printf("BLOBs 1 and 3 are not identical.\n");

// Compare BLOB 3 and BLOB 5.

Int1.cbData = 4;
Int2.cbData = 4;
Int1.pbData = BLOB5data;
Int2.pbData = BLOB3data;

if( CertCompareIntegerBlob(
   printf("BLOBs 5 and 3 are identical.\n");
   printf("BLOBs 5 and 3 are not identical.\n");

// Compare the first two bytes of BLOB 3 and BLOB 5.

Int1.cbData = 2;
Int2.cbData = 2;
Int1.pbData = BLOB5data;
Int2.pbData = BLOB3data;

if( CertCompareIntegerBlob(
   printf("The first two bytes of BLOBs 5 and 3 are identical.\n");
   printf("The first two bytes of BLOBs 5 and 3 not identical.\n");
} // end main

// Define the my_wait function.
void my_wait(char* s)