La commande !ndiskd.help affiche la liste des commandes !ndiskd disponibles avec une brève description de chacune d’elles.
L’exemple suivant vous montre la liste des commandes d’aide qui s'affichent avec !ndiskd.help.
3: kd> !ndiskd.help
help This help and lots more
netadapter Show network adapters (this is a good starting place)
protocol Show protocol drivers
mopen Show open bindings between netadapter and protocol
filter Show light-weight filters
nbl Show information about an NET_BUFFER_LIST
oid Show pending OID Requests
ndis Show NDIS.sys build info
netreport Draw a box diagram of your network stack
Show more extensions
View examples & tutorials online
Pour obtenir une liste plus détaillée, comme illustré dans l’exemple suivant, utilisez !ndiskd.help -all.
Un certain nombre d'autres commandes sont répertoriées en bas de cet exemple. Ces commandes sont disponibles pour les développeurs de pilotes NDIS qui les ont déjà utilisées, mais nous vous recommandons d’utiliser en lieu et place les commandes principales.
3: kd> !ndiskd.help -all
Primary commands:
help This help and lots more
netadapter Show network adapters (this is a good starting place)
minidriver Show network adapter drivers
rcvqueue Show a receive queue (c.f. VMQ)
protocol Show protocol drivers
mopen Show open bindings between netadapter and protocol
filter Show light-weight filters
filterdriver Show filter drivers (not to be confused with filters)
nbl Show information about an NET_BUFFER_LIST
nb Show information about an NET_BUFFER
nblpool Show information about an NET_BUFFER_LIST pool
nbpool Show information about an NET_BUFFER pool
pendingnbls Show all NET_BUFFER_LISTs that are in transit
nbllog Show a log of all NET_BUFFER_LIST activity
oid Show pending OID Requests
interfaces Show interfaces (à la NDISIF)
ifprovider Show registered NDIS interface providers
ifstacktable Show the ifStackTable
networks Show networks (probably not what you think)
compartments Show compartments
pkt Show a NDIS_PACKET structure
pktpools Show all allocated packet pools
findpacket Find a packet in memory
vc Show a CoNDIS virtual connection
af Show a CoNDIS address family
ndisref Show a debug log of refcounts
ndisevent Show a debug log of events
ndisstack Show a debug stack trace
wdiadapter Shows one or more WDIWiFi!CAdapter structures
wdiminidriver Shows one or more CMiniportDriver structures
nwadapter Shows one or more nwifi!ADAPT structures
ndisrwlock Show an NDIS_RW_LOCK_EX lock
dbglevel Change the debugging level [checked NDIS.sys only]
dbgsystems Toggle subsystems being debugged [checked NDIS.sys only]
ndiskdversion Show info about NDISKD itself
netreport Draw a box diagram of your network stack
cxadapter Show information about an NETADAPTER
netqueue Show information about a NetAdapterCx datapath queue
nrc Show information about an NET_RING_COLLECTION
netring Show information about an NET_RING
netpacket Show information about an NET_PACKET
netfragment Show information about an NET_FRAGMENT
Alternate commands:
miniport Same as !ndiskd.netadapter
gminiports Same as !ndiskd.netadapter
miniports "Classic" version of !ndiskd.netadapter
filterdb Same as !ndiskd.netadapter -filterdb
offload Same as !ndiskd.netadapter -offloads
ports Same as !ndiskd.netadapter -ports
rcvqueues Same as !ndiskd.netadapter -rcvqueues
filters Same as !ndiskd.filter
opens Same as !ndiskd.mopen
protocols Same as !ndiskd.protocol
nblpools Same as !ndiskd.nblpool
nbpools Same as !ndiskd.nbpool
Voir aussi
Guide de conception des pilotes réseau
Documentation de référence sur la mise en réseau de Windows Vista et versions ultérieures