** Applies to: **Skype for Business 2015
Error Subcodes
Name | Description |
AlreadyExists | The resource you're trying to create already exists. |
AnonymousNotAllowed | This operation is not allowed for anonymous users |
AnotherOperationPending | Another operation is already in progress. |
APIVersionNotSupported | Requested API version is not supported. |
ApplicationNotFound | Application Not Found. |
AttendeeNotAllowed | Attendee is not allowed to perform operation, for demoted scenario. |
AutoAccepted | The invitation was auto-accepted. |
Busy | Remote side is busy and cannot fullfill request. |
CallbackUriUnreachable | CallbackUri supplied by the application could not be reached. |
CallTerminated | Call is terminated. |
Canceled | Canceled. |
ConnectedElsewhere | Call is connected elsewhere. |
ConversationNotFound | The conversation does not exist. |
Declined | CallDeclined. |
Demoted | Participant was demoted. |
Denied | The lobby participant was denied from the conference. |
DerivedConversation | Indicates that a new derived conversation is the reason for the event. |
DeserializationFailure | The request body could not be deserialized. |
DestinationNotFound | The targeted user doesn't exist. |
DialoutNotAllowed | Dialout not allowed. |
DoNotDisturb | Do not disturb. |
Ejected | The user is removed from conference. |
Ended | The conference has finished. |
EscalationFailed | Conference escalation failed. |
ExchangeTimeout | The Exchange request timed out |
Expired | The parked audiovideo session was terminated due to timeout. |
FederationRequired | Federation is required. |
Forwarded | CallForwardedLocally. |
InactiveApplicationExpired | Inactive application expired. |
InsufficientBandwidth | Outgoing call establishment failed due to insufficient bandwidth. |
InvalidMediaDescription | The media description supplied is not valid. |
InviteesOnly | Invitees only. |
IPv6NotSupported | Remote party doesn't support IPv6 IP addresses. |
LimitExceeded | A server defined limit was exceeded. |
LisServiceUnavailable | Location Information Service is unavailable |
MakeMeAvailableRequired | The MakeMeAvailable operation is a prerequisite for this operation. |
MediaEncryptionMismatch | There was media encryption mismatch between local and remote clients. |
MediaEncryptionNotSupported | Cannot support media encryption required by client. |
MediaEncryptionRequired | Media encryption is required to establish media. |
MediaFailure | Media failure. |
MediaFallback | Incoming media is being handled by fallback logic. |
MediaNegotiationFailure | Media negotiation request failed. |
MediaNegotiationTimeOut | Media negotiation request timed out. |
MigrationInProgress | There is a migration in progress, contact's buddy list is read-only. |
Missed | Call was missed. |
ModalityNotSupported | Modality not supported. |
NewContentSharer | Call was terminated because another presenter started sharing content. |
NoDelegatesConfigured | No delegates configured. |
NoLocationFound | LIS could not find a matched location |
NormalizationFailed | Phone normalization failed. |
NotAcceptable | The remote client is unable to accept the call at this time or context. |
NotAllowed | The remote party is not allowed to process this request due to policy. |
NoTeamMembersConfigured | No team members configured. |
OperationNotSupported | The specified operation is not supported right now |
ParameterValidationFailure | The message content type was invalid. |
PGetReplaced | The existing P-GET was replaced with a new P-GET from the client application. |
PhoneNumberConflict | Invitation failed because multiple users are associated with the destination phone number. |
ProvisioningDataUnavailable | Provisioning data could not be retrieved |
PstnCallFailed | The attempt to reach mobile user's simulring number failed. |
Redirected | Indicates that the invitation was redirected to another participant. |
Removed | The user was removed from the Mcu. |
Replaced | The modality was replaced. |
RepliedWithOtherModality | The recipient is responding in another way, such as IM or phone. |
SessionSwitched | Call's session has changed. |
TemporarilyUnavailable | Mcu shuts down. |
ThreadIdAlreadyExists | A conversation already exists with the same thread id. |
Timeout | Service Timeout. |
TooManyApplications | There are too many applications. |
TooManyContacts | There are too many contacts. |
TooManyConversations | User has exceeded max conversations. |
TooManyGroups | There are too many groups. |
TooManyLobbyParticipants | Too many lobby participants. |
TooManyOnlineMeetings | The user has reached their online meeting limit. |
TooManyParticipants | Too many participants. |
TransferDeclined | The call transfer reqeust is declined at transferee side. |
Transferred | Call Transferred. |
TransferTargetDeclined | The call initiated from transferee gets declined at transfer target side. |
Unavailable | No Mcu is available via the MCU factory. |
Unreachable | The target is not reachable. |
UnsupportedMediaType | The content-type is not supported. |
UserAgentNotAllowed | The user agent supplied is not allowed. |