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Cross-domain IFRAME

Learn about how cross-domain iframe can be used to safely circumvent browser restrictions on scripts that process code in a different domain.

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

Web applications that interact with UCWA 2.0 resources require a cross-domain iframe for all HTTP requests sent to UCWA 2.0. The cross-domain iframe is needed to securely bypass the same-origin policy that is enforced by most modern browsers.

Embedding the cross-domain frame

The cross-domain iframe must be embedded in the parent HTML document as shown in this example.

<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
 <head> </head> 
 <iframe id="xFrame" src="about:blank" style="display:none;"></iframe> 

postMessage API

The HTML 5 postMessage function is used to send HTTP requests to the iframe, and to send HTTP responses back to the source document. The postMessage input and output formats are described next.

Request format

The postMessage request to the cross-domain frame accepts a JSON string with the following key-value pairs that map closely to those of jQuery.

 accepts: [string containing the accept header of the HTTP request], 
 cache: [Boolean indicating whether browser should cache HTTP response], 
 contentType: [string containing the content-type header of the HTTP request], 
 data: [string containing HTTP body of request], 
 headers: [object containing custom HTTP request headers], 
 processData: [Boolean indicating whether input data should be passed as a query string], 
 type: [string containing the HTTP verb], 
 url: [string containing target URL for the request], 
 xhrFields: [object containing name-value pairs to set on the native xhr object], 
 messageId: [object containing any needed context to identify the request] 

Response format

The response that is sent to the source frame using postMessage contains most standard XHR object keys.

 status: [integer containing the HTTP response code], 
 statusText: [string containing the HTTP response text], 
 responseText: [string containing the HTTP response body] 
 headers: [string containing response headers], 
 messageId: [object containing any needed context to identify the request] 

The following code sample shows postMessage being called to send a GET request.

var request = { 
 accepts: 'application/json', 
 type: 'get', 
 url: '', 
 xhrFields: { 
 withCredentials: true 
 messageId: { 
 Id: Id, 
 callback: callback, 
document.getElementById('xFrame').contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({request}), url);

The next example shows code that will handle the response.

this.receiveMessage = function(message) { 
 // handle response from iframe origin 
window.addEventListener('message', this.receiveMessage, false)

Web application allow list

Web applications that take a dependency on the cross-domain iframe are required to get IT Admin approval for their domain. Administrators will add the source domain of your web application to the company's list of allowed domains.

Browser compatibility

Although Internet Explorer 8 has an implementation of the HTML 5 postMessage function, it is not compatible with the cross-domain frame that UCWA 2.0 uses. Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 are both supported, as are the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. For more details on browser compatibility, see Supported Platforms for Lync Web App for Lync 2013.