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Get Air Quality Daily Forecasts

Use to get daily air quality forecasts for the next one to seven days that include pollutant levels, potential risks and suggested precautions.

Get Air Quality Hourly Forecasts

Use to get hourly air quality forecasts for the next one to 96 hours that include pollutant levels, potential risks and suggested precautions.

Get Current Air Quality

Use to get current air quality information that includes potential risks and suggested precautions.

Get Current Conditions

Use to get current weather conditions.

Get Daily Forecast

Use to get a daily detailed weather forecast for the next 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, or 45 days.

Get Daily Historical Actuals

Use to get climatology data such as past daily actual observed temperatures, precipitation, snowfall and snow depth.

Get Daily Historical Normals

Use to get climatology data such as past daily normal temperatures, precipitation and cooling/heating degree day information for a given location.

Get Daily Historical Records

Use to get climatology data such as past daily record temperatures, precipitation and snowfall at a given location.

Get Daily Indices

Use when you want to know if the weather conditions are optimal for a specific activity such as outdoor sporting activities, construction, or farming (results i...

Get Hourly Forecast

Use to get a detailed hourly weather forecast for up to 24 hours or a daily forecast for up to 10 days.

Get Minute Forecast

Use to get a minute-by-minute forecast for the next 120 minutes in intervals of 1, 5 and 15 minutes.

Get Quarter Day Forecast

Use to get a Quarter-Day Forecast for the next 1, 5, 10, or 15 days.

Get Severe Weather Alerts

Use to get information about severe weather conditions such as hurricanes, thunderstorms, flooding, lightning, heat waves or forest fires for a given location.

Get Tropical Storm Active

Use to get a list of the active tropical storms issued by national weather forecasting agencies.

Get Tropical Storm Forecast

Use to get a list of tropical storms forecasted by national weather forecasting agencies.

Get Tropical Storm Locations

Use to get the location of tropical storms from individual national weather forecasting agencies.

Get Tropical Storm Search

Use to get a list of storms issued by national weather forecasting agencies.

Get Weather Along Route

Use to get a locationally precise, up-to-the-minute forecast that includes weather hazard assessments and notifications along a route.