Operations - List
Listes toutes les opérations d’API REST IoT Hub disponibles.
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Devices/operations?api-version=2023-06-30
Paramètres URI
Nom | Dans | Obligatoire | Type | Description |
query | True |
string |
Version de l’API. |
Nom | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK. La demande a réussi. |
Other Status Codes |
DefaultErrorResponse |
Flux OAuth2 Azure Active Directory
URL d’autorisation:
Nom | Description |
user_impersonation | Emprunter l’identité de votre compte d’utilisateur |
Exemple de requête
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Devices/operations?api-version=2023-06-30
Exemple de réponse
"value": [
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/register/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Register Resource Provider",
"description": "Register the subscription for the IotHub resource provider and enables the creation of IotHub resources"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/diagnosticSettings/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get Diagnostic Setting",
"description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/diagnosticSettings/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Set Diagnostic Setting",
"description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/metricDefinitions/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Read IotHub service metric definitions",
"description": "Gets the available metrics for the IotHub service"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/logDefinitions/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Read IotHub service log definitions",
"description": "Gets the available log definitions for the IotHub Service"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/operations/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get All ResourceProvider Operations",
"description": "Get All ResourceProvider Operations"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/checkNameAvailability/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Check If IotHub name is available",
"description": "Check If IotHub name is available"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/usages/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get Subscription Usages",
"description": "Get subscription usage details for this provider."
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get IotHub(s)",
"description": "Gets the IotHub resource(s)"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Create or update IotHub Resource",
"description": "Create or update IotHub Resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Delete IotHub Resource",
"description": "Delete IotHub Resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/iotHubStats/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get IotHub Statistics",
"description": "Get IotHub Statistics"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/skus/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get valid IotHub Skus",
"description": "Get valid IotHub Skus"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/listkeys/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get all IotHub Keys",
"description": "Get all IotHub Keys"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/iotHubKeys/listkeys/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get IotHub Key for the given name",
"description": "Get IotHub Key for the given name"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Create EventHub Consumer Group",
"description": "Create EventHub Consumer Group"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get EventHub Consumer Group(s)",
"description": "Get EventHub Consumer Group(s)"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Delete EventHub Consumer Group",
"description": "Delete EventHub Consumer Group"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/exportDevices/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Export Devices",
"description": "Export Devices"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/importDevices/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Import Devices",
"description": "Import Devices"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/jobs/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get the Job(s) on IotHub",
"description": "Get Job(s) details submitted on given IotHub"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/quotaMetrics/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get Quota Metrics",
"description": "Get Quota Metrics"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routing/routes/$testall/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Routing Rule Test All",
"description": "Test a message against all existing Routes"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routing/routes/$testnew/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Routing Rule Test Route",
"description": "Test a message against a provided test Route"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routingEndpointsHealth/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get Endpoint Health",
"description": "Gets the health of all routing Endpoints for an IotHub"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/ProvisioningServices/diagnosticSettings/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Get Diagnostic Setting",
"description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/ProvisioningServices/diagnosticSettings/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Set Diagnostic Setting",
"description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/ProvisioningServices/metricDefinitions/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Read DPS service metric definitions",
"description": "Gets the available metrics for the DPS service"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/ProvisioningServices/logDefinitions/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "IotHubs",
"operation": "Read DPS service log definitions",
"description": "Gets the available log definitions for the DPS Service"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/checkProvisioningServiceNameAvailability/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "ProvisioningServives",
"operation": "Check If Provisioning Service name is available",
"description": "Check If Provisioning Service name is available"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "ProvisioningServices",
"operation": "Get Provisioning Service resource",
"description": "Get Provisioning Service resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "ProvisioningServices",
"operation": "Create Provisioning Service resource",
"description": "Create Provisioning Service resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "ProvisioningServices",
"operation": "Delete Provisioning Service resource",
"description": "Delete Provisioning Service resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/skus/Read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "ProvisioningServices",
"operation": "Delete Provisioning Service resource",
"description": "Delete Provisioning Service resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/listkeys/Action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Devices",
"resource": "ProvisioningServices",
"operation": "get security related metadata",
"description": "get security related metadata"
Nom | Description |
Display |
Objet qui représente l’opération. |
Error |
Détails de l’erreur. |
Operation |
IoT Hub opération d’API REST |
Operation |
Résultat de la demande de liste des opérations de IoT Hub. Il contient une liste d’opérations et un lien d’URL pour obtenir l’ensemble de résultats suivant. |
Objet qui représente l’opération.
Nom | Type | Description |
description |
string |
Description de l’opération |
operation |
string |
Nom de l’opération |
provider |
string |
Fournisseur de services : Appareils Microsoft |
resource |
string |
Type de ressource : IotHubs |
Détails de l’erreur.
Nom | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Code d'erreur. |
details |
string |
Détails de l’erreur. |
httpStatusCode |
string |
Code d’état HTTP. |
message |
string |
Message d’erreur. |
IoT Hub opération d’API REST
Nom | Type | Description |
display |
Objet qui représente l’opération. |
name |
string |
Nom de l’opération : {provider}/{resource}/{read | write | action | delete} |
Résultat de la demande de liste des opérations de IoT Hub. Il contient une liste d’opérations et un lien d’URL pour obtenir l’ensemble de résultats suivant.
Nom | Type | Description |
nextLink |
string |
URL pour obtenir l’ensemble suivant de résultats de la liste d’opérations, le cas échéant. |
value |
Liste des opérations IoT Hub prises en charge par le fournisseur de ressources Microsoft.Devices. |