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Azure Communication Identity Package client library for Python - version 1.5.0

Azure Communication Identity client package is intended to be used to setup the basics for opening a way to use Azure Communication Service offerings. This package helps to create identity user tokens to be used by other client packages such as chat, calling, sms.

Source code | Package (Pypi) | Package (Conda) | API reference documentation | Product documentation


Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to

Getting started


Install the package

Install the Azure Communication Identity client library for Python with pip:

pip install azure-communication-identity

Key concepts


CommunicationIdentityClient provides operations for:

  • Create/delete identities to be used in Azure Communication Services. Those identities can be used to make use of Azure Communication offerings and can be scoped to have limited abilities through token scopes.

  • Create/revoke scoped user access tokens to access services such as chat, calling, sms. Tokens are issued for a valid Azure Communication identity and can be revoked at any time.

Initializing Identity Client

# You can find your endpoint and access token from your resource in the Azure Portal
import os
from azure.communication.identity import CommunicationIdentityClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

connection_str = "endpoint=ENDPOINT;accessKey=KEY"
endpoint = "https://<RESOURCE_NAME>"

# To use Azure Active Directory Authentication (DefaultAzureCredential) make sure to have
identity_client_managed_identity = CommunicationIdentityClient(endpoint, DefaultAzureCredential())

#You can also authenticate using your connection string
identity_client = CommunicationIdentityClient.from_connection_string(connection_str)


The following section provides several code snippets covering some of the most common Azure Communication Services tasks, including:

Creating a new user

Use the create_user method to create a new user.

user = identity_client.create_user()
print("User created with id:" +['id'])

Issuing or Refreshing an access token for a user

Use the get_token method to issue or refresh a scoped access token for the user.
Pass in the user object as a parameter, and a list of CommunicationTokenScope. Scope options are:

  • CHAT (Use this for full access to Chat APIs)
  • VOIP (Use this for full access to Calling APIs)
  • CHAT_JOIN (Access to Chat APIs but without the authorization to create, delete or update chat threads)
  • CHAT_JOIN_LIMITED (A more limited version of CHAT_JOIN that doesn't allow to add or remove participants)
  • VOIP_JOIN (Access to Calling APIs but without the authorization to start new calls)
tokenresponse = identity_client.get_token(user, scopes=[CommunicationTokenScope.CHAT])
print("Token issued with value: " + tokenresponse.token)

Issuing or Refreshing an access token with custom expiration for a user

You can specify expiration time for the token. The token can be configured to expire in as little as one hour or as long as 24 hours. The default expiration time is 24 hours.

token_expires_in = timedelta(hours=1)
tokenresponse = identity_client.get_token(user, scopes=[CommunicationTokenScope.CHAT], token_expires_in=token_expires_in)
print("Token issued with value: " + tokenresponse.token)

Creating a user and a token in a single request

For convenience, use create_user_and_token to create a new user and issue a token with one function call. This translates into a single web request as opposed to creating a user first and then issuing a token.

user, tokenresponse = identity_client.create_user_and_token(scopes=[CommunicationTokenScope.CHAT])
print("User id:" +['id'])
print("Token issued with value: " + tokenresponse.token)

Creating a user and a token with custom expiration in a single request

You can specify expiration time for the token. The token can be configured to expire in as little as one hour or as long as 24 hours. The default expiration time is 24 hours.

token_expires_in = timedelta(hours=1)
user, tokenresponse = identity_client.create_user_and_token(scopes=[CommunicationTokenScope.CHAT], token_expires_in=token_expires_in)
print("User id:" +['id'])
print("Token issued with value: " + tokenresponse.token)

Revoking a user's access tokens

Use revoke_tokens to revoke all access tokens for a user. Pass in the user object as a parameter


Deleting a user

Use the delete_user method to delete a user. Pass in the user object as a parameter


Exchanging Azure AD access token of a Teams User for a Communication Identity access token

Use the get_token_for_teams_user method to exchange an Azure AD access token of a Teams User for a new Communication Identity access token.

identity_client.get_token_for_teams_user(aad_token, client_id, user_object_id)


The Azure Communication Service Identity client will raise exceptions defined in Azure Core.

Next steps

More sample code

Please take a look at the samples directory for detailed examples of how to use this library to manage identities and tokens.

Provide Feedback

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project


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