Supprime un élément ou une plage d'éléments dans une carte d'emplacements spécifiés ou supprime les éléments qui correspondent à une clé spécifiée.
iterator erase(
const_iterator Where
iterator erase(
const_iterator First,
const_iterator Last
size_type erase(
const key_type& Key
Position de l'élément à supprimer.First
Position du premier élément à supprimer.Last
Position juste au delà du dernier élément à supprimer.Key
Valeur clé de l'élément à supprimer.
Valeur de retour
Pour les deux premières fonctions membres, un itérateur bidirectionnel qui indique le premier élément restant au delà de tous les éléments supprimés, ou un élément qui est la fin du mappage si aucun élément n'existe.
Pour la troisième fonction membre, retourne le nombre d'éléments qui ont été supprimés de la carte.
// map_erase.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator> // next() and prev() helper functions
#include <utility> // make_pair()
using namespace std;
using mymap = map<int, string>;
void printmap(const mymap& m) {
for (const auto& elem : m) {
cout << " [" << elem.first << ", " << elem.second << "]";
cout << endl << "size() == " << m.size() << endl << endl;
int main()
mymap m1;
// Fill in some data to test with, one at a time
m1.insert(make_pair(1, "A"));
m1.insert(make_pair(2, "B"));
m1.insert(make_pair(3, "C"));
m1.insert(make_pair(4, "D"));
m1.insert(make_pair(5, "E"));
cout << "Starting data of map m1 is:" << endl;
// The 1st member function removes an element at a given position
cout << "After the 2nd element is deleted, the map m1 is:" << endl;
// Fill in some data to test with, one at a time, using an intializer list
mymap m2
{ 10, "Bob" },
{ 11, "Rob" },
{ 12, "Robert" },
{ 13, "Bert" },
{ 14, "Bobby" }
cout << "Starting data of map m2 is:" << endl;
// The 2nd member function removes elements
// in the range [First, Last)
m2.erase(next(m2.begin()), prev(m2.end()));
cout << "After the middle elements are deleted, the map m2 is:" << endl;
mymap m3;
// Fill in some data to test with, one at a time, using emplace
m3.emplace(1, "red");
m3.emplace(2, "yellow");
m3.emplace(3, "blue");
m3.emplace(4, "green");
m3.emplace(5, "orange");
m3.emplace(6, "purple");
m3.emplace(7, "pink");
cout << "Starting data of map m3 is:" << endl;
// The 3rd member function removes elements with a given Key
mymap::size_type count = m3.erase(2);
// The 3rd member function also returns the number of elements removed
cout << "The number of elements removed from m3 is: " << count << "." << endl;
cout << "After the element with a key of 2 is deleted, the map m3 is:" << endl;
Starting data of map m1 is:
[1, A] [2, B] [3, C] [4, D] [5, E]
size() == 5
After the 2nd element is deleted, the map m1 is:
[1, A] [3, C] [4, D] [5, E]
size() == 4
Starting data of map m2 is:
[10, Bob] [11, Rob] [12, Robert] [13, Bert] [14, Bobby]
size() == 5
After the middle elements are deleted, the map m2 is:
[10, Bob] [14, Bobby]
size() == 2
Starting data of map m3 is:
[1, red] [2, yellow] [3, blue] [4, green] [5, orange] [6, purple] [7, pink]
size() == 7
The number of elements removed from m3 is: 1.
After the element with a key of 2 is deleted, the map m3 is:
[1, red] [3, blue] [4, green] [5, orange] [6, purple] [7, pink]
size() == 6
Configuration requise
En-tête : <mappage>
Espace de noms : std