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DynamicAlignment Property

Specifies the alignment of text and controls in a Column object. Available at design time; read/write at run time.

Column.DynamicAlignment [= "cAlign"]

Return Value

  • cAlign
    Specifies a character expression that evaluates to a value as described in the following table. The alignment value is reevaluated at run time each time the Grid control is refreshed.

    cAlign evaluates to



    Middle Left.

    Aligns the text flush left and centered vertically.


    Middle Right.

    Aligns the text flush right and centered vertically.


    Middle Center.

    Aligns the text in the middle with equal spaces to the right and left and is centered vertically.


    Automatic. (Default)

    Aligns text based on the data type of the control source. Numeric types, such as Numeric, Double, Float, Currency, and Integer, are aligned to the right; controls with other data types are aligned to the left.


    Top Left.

    Aligns the text flush left and at the top of the column.


    Top Right.

    Aligns the text flush right and at the top of the column.


    Top Center.

    Aligns the text in the middle with equal spaces to the right and left and at the top of the column.


    Bottom Left.

    Aligns the text flush left and at the bottom of the column.


    Bottom Right.

    Aligns the text flush right and at the bottom of the column.


    Bottom Center. Aligns the text in the middle with equal spaces to the right and left and at the bottom of the column.


Applies To: Column Object


The Grid AutoFit method might not resize adequately to display the entire contents of a column if you use this property.

See Also


Alignment Property

Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)