Object Hierarchy Semantics
In Visual J#, java.lang.Object is treated as a language-specific root of the object hierarchy. Access this object from languages supported by the common language runtime by means of Object. Thus, such languages do not see Visual J# objects as special objects deriving from java.lang.Object.
For example, this is a class written in Visual J#, and you cannot access the object method toString in other languages:
class A extends java.lang.Object {
public String toString() { return "Instance of A";}
Instead, use the following to get the string representation of the object from Visual C#:
string str = new A().ToString();
This is true even if A
were to override an implementation of the toString
To a Java-language developer, Visual J# treats Object like java.lang.Object and maps the functionality to make any differences transparent. This support makes it possible to pass java.lang.Object to Object and vice-versa for assignments, parameter passing, and other usages. The same is true for java.lang.String and Object.
Consuming Visual J# binaries is no different from consuming any other binary generated by such languages as Visual Basic or Visual C#.