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Configuring Prerequisite Groups in Active Directory for App-V

Before you install the Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Management Server, you must create the following objects in Active Directory. App-V uses Active Directory groups to control access to applications and administrative functions. You will use these groups during the server installation process and when publishing applications.

Configuring Prerequisite Groups in Active Directory for Application Virtualization

This table lists the Active Directory groups that are required for installing App-V.

Object Description

Organizational Unit (OU)

Create an OU in Active Directory for the specific groups required for App-V.

App-V Administrative Group

During installation of the App-V Management Server, you must select an Active Directory group to use as the App-V Administrators group to control administrative access to the Management Console. Create a security group for App-V administrators, and add to this group every user who needs to use the Management Console. You cannot create this group directly from the App-V Management Server installer.

App-V Users Group

App-V requires that every User account that accesses App-V functions be a member of a provider policy associated with a single group for general platform access. Use an existing group; for example, Domain Users, if all users are to have access to App-V, or create a new group.

Application Groups

App-V associates the right to use an individual application with an Active Directory group. Create an Active Directory group for each application, and assign users to these groups as needed to control user access to the applications.


Application Virtualization Deployment Requirements

How to Configure Windows Server 2008 for App-V Management Servers