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Installing Language Interface Packs

One or more Language Interface Packs (LIP)s are available on the Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP) CD-ROM. However, not all LIPs are available for Windows Vista at Release-to-Manufacturing (RTM). Microsoft will release new LIPs for Windows Vista as they become available.

LIPs can also be downloaded from the download center.

LIPs must be installed on a supported parent language. For example, the Basque LIP can be installed only on Spanish (Spain) or French (France) languages. If you install a LIP to an offline Windows image, then verify that the supported parent language(s) are installed to the Windows image that you intend to install the LIP to. For a list of the supported parent languages, see Supported Language Packs and Default Settings. If you use LPKSetup.exe, or double-click the LIP.MLC file, then the program will automatically detect whether you have the correct parent languages installed. If the parent language is not installed, then installation will not continue and you will be prompted to install the parent language.

There are different ways to install LIPs. Use one of the following procedures:

  • Install a LIP in an unattended Windows installation.
  • Install a LIP from the Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP) CD-ROM.
  • Install a LIP from the Microsoft Web site.

To install a LIP in an unattended Windows installation

You can install LIPs during an unattended Windows installation. The methods for adding a Language Pack to a Windows image can also be used to install LIPs. For more information, see Add a Language Pack to a Windows Image.


LIP files are released as .mlc files. However, if you intend to install the LIP to an offline Windows image by using Package Manager, then you must rename the LIP file from LIP.mlc to Additionally, if you copy the LIP to a Windows distribution, then you must also rename the LIP.mlc file to

For example, you can follow the procedures in Use the Language Pack Setup Tool to Install a Language Pack to install a LIP. You can add a FirstLogonCommand in the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component to your answer file that automatically installs the LIP when Windows first boots. The FirstLogonCommand must run in an account that has administrator privilege.

The following answer file provides an example of how to use FirstLogonCommand.

   <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
      <CommandLine>lpksetup.exe /i hi-IN /r /s /p %SYSTEMDRIVE%\MyLIPs\hi-IN</CommandLine>
      <Description>Install Hindi (India)</Description>

For more information about language packs and other multilingual resources, see Manage Language Packs for Windows.

To install a LIP from the Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP) CD-ROM

  1. Log on to the destination computer as an administrator or use an account with administrator privileges.
  2. Insert the Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP) CD-ROM.
  3. Open Windows Explorer by right-clicking Start and selecting Explore. Navigate to the root of the directory in the Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP) CD-ROM.
  4. Double-click Setup.exe. The setup program starts.
  5. Select the LIP that you intend to install and follow the instructions provided by the application. You can also install the Windows Vista videos in addition to the LIP.

After the LIP language is installed to the computer, you can change the default language by using the Regional and Language Options program in Control Panel.

For more information about language packs, language interface packs, and other multilingual resources, see Manage Language Packs for Windows.

To install a LIP from the Microsoft Web site

  1. Log on to the destination computer as an administrator or use an account with administrator privileges.
  2. Download the appropriate LIP from the download center.
  3. Navigate to the directory that contains the LIP that you intend to install and then double-click Lip.mlc. For example, open the hi-IN directory and double-click Lip.mlc. The Install or Uninstall Display Languages window appears.
  4. Follow the instructions provided by the Install or Uninstall Display Languages application to complete the installation. The language is installed to the computer.

After the LIP language is installed to the computer, you can change the default language by using the Regional and Language Options program in Control Panel.

For more information about language packs, language interface packs, and other multilingual resources, see Manage Language Packs for Windows.

Windows Vista Videos

The Windows Vista videos are narrated video demonstrations designed to introduce beginning computer users to personal computing and the Windows Vista operating system. Viewers of the demos can watch as tasks are performed on screen and concepts are explained through animation. These videos must be installed on the Windows Vista computer system that you intend to deliver to an end user.

Windows Vista videos are available on some Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP) CD-ROMs. Windows Vista videos are also available for some LIP languages at the download center. Windows Vista videos must be installed on a computer with the appropriate LIP.

Some LIPs may not have Windows Vista videos. If there are no videos available for that LIP, then only the LIP will be installed.

To install the Windows Vista videos

  • If you are installing Windows Vista videos from the Windows Vista Language Interface Pack CD-ROM, use the LVSetup.exe program on the CD-ROM to install both the LIP and the video.

  • You can also double-click the Windows Vista video .msu file to install the videos.

  • You can install Windows Vista videos by using the Wusa command-line tool. For example,

    wusa <path>\<LIPname>-Videos.msu [/quiet] [/norestart]

    Where <path> is the path to the Windows Vista video file and <LIPname> is the name of the LIP video file you want to install.

To install the Windows Vista videos in an unattended Windows installation

To install the Windows Vista videos in an unattended installation, create a FirstLogonCommand in the Microsoft-Windows-Shell component to your answer file that automatically installs the Windows Vista videos when Windows first boots.

The following answer file provides an example of how to use FirstLogonCommand.

   <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
      <CommandLine> wusa  %SYSTEMDRIVE%\MyLips\hi-IN-Videos.msu /quiet /norestart </CommandLine>
      <Description>Install Hindi (India)</Description>

See Also


Understanding Language Packs