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Configure links on the Desktop Links gadget

Applies To: Windows SBS 2008

There are two ways to add, edit, or remove custom links for the Desktop Links gadget:

  • You can use the Desktop Links Gadget Properties page dialog box, which you access from the Users and Groups section of the Windows SBS Console.

  • You can use the Remote Web Workplace Properties page dialog box, which you access from the Shared Folders and Web Sites section of the Windows SBS Console.


You must be a network administrator to complete this procedure.

To configure links for the Desktop Links gadget by using the Desktop Links Gadget Properties page dialog box

  1. Open the Windows SBS Console.

  2. On the navigation bar, click Users and Groups.

  3. Click the Users tab.

  4. In User Tasks, click Manage Desktop Links Gadget. The Desktop Links Gadget Properties page appears.

  5. On the General tab, do any of the following:

    • Enable or disable the Desktop Links gadget.

    • To display a section on the Desktop Links gadget, select the adjacent check box.

    • To remove a section from the Desktop Links gadget, clear the adjacent check box.

  6. To manage links that appear in the Organization Links section of the Desktop Links gadget, click the Organization Links tab.

    • To remove a link from the list, select it, and then click Remove. To add a new link, type a description and a Web address or file path for the new link, and then click Add.

    • Click Move Up or Move Down to position the links where you want them to appear in the list.

  7. Click OK.

  8. To manage links that appear in the Administration Links section of the home page, click the Administration Links tab.

    • To remove a link from the list, select it, and then click Remove. To add a new link, type a description and a Web address or file path for the new link, and then click Add.

    • Click Move Up or Move Down to position the links where you want them to appear in the list.

  9. Click OK.

To configure links for the Desktop Links gadget by using the Remote Web Workplace Properties page dialog box, follow the instructions in the topic Add or remove links from the Remote Web Workplace home page.