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Configure WEB1 to Distribute Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)


Applies To: Windows Server 2012

You can use this procedure to configure the web server WEB1 to distribute CRLs.

In the extensions of the root CA, it was stated that the CRL from the root CA would be available via Currently, there is not a PKI virtual directory on WEB1, so one must be created.

To perform this procedure, you must be a member of Domain Admins.


In the procedure below, replace the user account name, the Web server name, folder names and locations, and other values with those that are appropriate for your deployment.

To configure WEB1 to distribute certificates and CRLs

  1. On WEB1, run Windows PowerShell as an administrator, type explorer c:\, and then press ENTER. Windows Explorer opens.

  2. Create a new folder named PKI on the C: drive. To do so, click Home, and then click New Folder. Type pki and then press ENTER.

  3. In Windows Explorer, right-click the folder you just created, hover the mouse cursor over Share with, and then click Specific people. The File Sharing dialog box opens.

  4. In File Sharing, type Cert Publishers, and then click Add. The Cert Publishers group is added to the list. In the list, in Permission Level, click the arrow next to Cert Publishers, and then click Read/Write. Click Share, and then click Done.

  5. Close Windows Explorer.

  6. Open the IIS console. In Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  7. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console tree, expand WEB1. If you are invited to get started with Microsoft Web Platform, click Cancel.

  8. Expand Sites and then right-click the Default Web Site and then click Add Virtual Directory.

  9. In Alias, type pki. In Physical path type C:\pki, then click OK.

  10. Enable Anonymous access to the pki virtual directory, so that any client can check the validity of the CA certificates and CRLs. To do so:

    1. In the Connections pane, ensure that pki is selected.

    2. On pki Home click Authentication.

    3. In the Actions pane, click Edit Permissions.

    4. On the Security tab, click Edit

    5. On the Permissions for pki dialog box, click Add.

    6. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups, type ANONYMOUS LOGON; Everyone and then click Check Names. Click OK.

    7. Click OK on the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts or Groups dialog box.

    8. Click OK on the Permissions for pki dialog box.

  11. Click OK on the pki Properties dialog box.

  12. In the pki Home pane, double-click Request Filtering.

  13. The File Name Extensions tab is selected by default in the Request Filtering pane. In the Actions pane, click Edit Feature Settings.

  14. In Edit Request Filtering Settings, select Allow double escaping and then click OK.

  15. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager MMC, click your Web server name. For example, if your Web server is named WEB1, click WEB1.

  16. In Actions, click Restart. Internet services are stopped and then restarted.