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Remote Syntax

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Remote Syntax

Remote uses the following general syntax:

Art Imageremote Operation






Starts the remote service on the server where the command is to be run.


Art Imageremote /s Command UniqueID[/U[DomainName**\]UserName] [/UD** Name] [/F Color] [/B Color] [/V][/-V] [@K]


  • Command
    Specifies the command to be run on the server, with concurrent input from and output to a client that will connect later.
  • UniqueID
    Specifies a unique name to distinguish this instance of the remote session from others running on the server. If the session name contains spaces it must be enclosed with quotation marks.
  • /U[DomainName\]UserName
    Specifies the user name or group names that are permitted to connect to a specified session running on the server. The use of DomainName is optional. This parameter can be specified more than once to enable permissions for a broader set of users or groups. Art ImageSecurity Remark
    • Users and groups are not authenticated when connecting to remote sessions on servers. This can create potential security vulnerability on the server.
  • /UD Name
    Specifies the user name or group names that are to be denied access to a specified session running on the server.
  • /F Color
    Specifies the foreground color for the session on the server. Acceptable values are: yellow, black, blue, lblue, white, red, green, cyan, and purple. Remote does not discern color conflicts between background and foreground. If the same color is specified for both background and foreground, text in the command console will not be visible.
  • /B Color
    Specifies the background color for the session on the server. Acceptable values are: yellow, black, blue, lblue, white, red, green, cyan, and purple. Remote does not discern color conflicts between background and foreground. If the same color is specified for both background and foreground, text in the command console will not be visible.
  • /V
    Makes the specified session visible to remote users logging in with /q parameter.
  • /-V
    Makes the specified session invisible to remote users logging in with /q parameter. By default, if the command looks like a debugger, the session is visible to the remote client.
  • @K
    Causes the server session to terminate.


Starts the remote service on the client and connects to a specified server session based on a server name and unique identifier.


Art Imageremote /c ServerName UniqueID[/F Color] [/B Color] [/L Number] [/K][@Q]


  • ServerName
    Specifies the server name to connect to from the client.
  • UniqueID
    Specifies a unique name to connect to on a specified server. If the session name contains spaces it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • /F Color
    Specifies the foreground color for the session on the server. Acceptable values are: yellow, black, blue, lblue, white, red, green, cyan, and purple. Remote does not discern color conflicts between background and foreground. If the same color is specified for both background and foreground, text in the command console will not be visible.
  • /B Color
    Specifies the background color for the session on the server. Acceptable values are: yellow, black, blue, lblue, white, red, green, cyan, and purple. Remote does not discern color conflicts between background and foreground. If the same color is specified for both background and foreground, text in the command console will not be visible.
  • /L Number
    Specifies the number of lines of output to obtain from a specified session running on a remote server. Note
    • Setting a small number of lines can truncate output from the session running on the server.
  • /K
    Assigns colors to highlight keywords based on information in a text file of the following format: Keyword ForegroundColor[, BackgroundColor] See "Example 2: Example of a keyword/color file" in Remote Examples. Acceptable values for ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor are: yellow, black, blue, lblue, white, red, green, cyan, and purple. Remote does not discern color conflicts between background and foreground. If the same color is specified for both background and foreground, text in the command console will not be visible.
  • @Q
    Terminates the client session, leaving the remote server session running.


Queries and retrieves the available unique identifiers of visible sessions on the specified computer.


Art Imageremote /Q ServerName


  • ServerName
    Specifies the server name to query.

See Also


Remote Overview
Remote Remarks
Remote Examples
Alphabetical List of Tools
Windiff Overview
Poolmon Overview
Msizap Overview
Msicuu Overview
Memsnap Overview
Devcon Overview